Characterization of Ephedrine HCl and Pseudoephedrine HCl Using Quadrupolar NMR Crystallography Guided Crystal Structure Prediction
Quadrupolar NMR crystallography guided crystal structure prediction (QNMRX-CSP) is a nascent protocol for predicting, solving, and refining crystal structures. QNMRX-CSP employs a combination of solid-state NMR data from quadrupolar nuclides (i.e., nuclear spin > 1/2), static lattice energies and electric field gradient (EFG) tensors from dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT-D2*) calculations, and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data; however, it has so far been applied only to organic HCl salts with small and rigid organic components, using 35Cl EFG tensor data for both structural refinement and validation. Herein, the QNMRX-CSP protocol is extended to ephedrine HCl (Eph) and pseudoephedrine HCl (Pse), which are diastereomeric compounds that feature distinct space groups and organic components that are larger and more flexible. A series of benchmarking calculations are used to generate structural models that can be validated against experimental data, and to explore the impacts of the (i) starting structural models (i.e., geometry-optimized fragments based on either a known crystal structure or an isolated gas-phase molecule) and (ii) selection of unit cell parameters and space groups. Finally, we use QNMRX-CSP to predict the structure of Pse in the dosage form Sudafed using only 35Cl SSNMR data as experimental input. This proof-of-concept work suggests the possibility of employing QNMRX-CSP protocols to solve the structures of organic HCl salts in dosage forms – something which is often beyond the capabilities of conventional, diffraction-based characterization methods.
- This article is part of the themed collection: NMR crystallography