Enhancing the photoelectric performance of metal oxide semiconductors by introduction of dislocations

Haoyu Zhang a, Shuang Gao a, Hongyang Wang a, Fangping Zhuo b, Qaisar K. Muhammad b, Xufei Fang bc, Jürgen Rödel b, Till Frömling *b and Qi Li *a
aKey Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials (Ministry of Education), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, P. R. China. E-mail: qiliuiuc@swjtu.edu.cn
bDepartment of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technical University of Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany. E-mail: till.froemling@mr.tu-darmstadt.de
cInstitute for Applied Materials, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Received 31st May 2024 , Accepted 7th August 2024

First published on 8th August 2024


Photocatalysis, a heavily researched approach to sustainable synthesis of chemicals, often faces challenges of high cost and the use of scarce materials or low efficiency of sustainable catalysts. Cheap and abundant metal oxide photo-catalysts like TiO2 are often deemed too ineffective. However, our approach introduces a novel twist. We have convincingly enhanced the properties of metal oxides, such as TiO2 and BaTiO3, through dislocation engineering. In this method, dislocations are mechanically introduced into samples, resulting in changes that can surpass traditional chemical doping strategies. Our current work discusses the effect of dislocation engineering on TiO2 and BaTiO3, specifically their photocatalytic activity. Using H2O2 synthesis as a benchmark reaction, we have demonstrated that single crystal metal oxides with high dislocation density can significantly elevate photocatalytic H2O2 production. This allows for producing industrially relevant concentrations of H2O2 without sacrificial agents, making dislocation engineering an exciting and promising approach for sustainable photocatalysis.

1 Introduction

Photocatalysis has been a promising technology for energy and environmental applications since its discovery due to its environmental friendliness, high economic benefit, and long-term sustainability.1,2 To optimize the photocatalytic performance for further applications, massive research efforts have been made to broaden the photo-response for higher solar energy utilization efficiency.3–5 Particular efforts were directed to accelerate charge carrier transfer and suppress recombination for preferable separation6 and to strengthen the surface adsorption of reactants or regulate the surface pH value to promote reactions.7–9 Among these approaches, enhancing charge carrier separation and transfer is believed to be the most efficient and direct way to boost photocatalytic activity.10

To achieve the desired high charge carrier separation efficiency, various material design strategies have been implemented to improve photocatalytic performance, such as noble metal loading, heterojunction construction, defect control, etc.4,5,7,8,11–16 Among them, the defect control strategy has been rapidly developed in recent years. Current research in defect engineering focuses on 0D defects (vacancies and element doping, etc.).14–16 These introduced 0D defects typically generate defect levels in the band gap of a semiconducting photocatalyst, which could serve as trapping centers to capture photogenerated charge carriers.17 This synergistic effect could enhance the electron–hole (e–h+) pair separation efficiency to improve the photocatalytic performance.18 However, it is difficult to control the distribution of these 0D defects in a photocatalyst due to their highly random nature. An excess of 0D defects, however, tends to cause the reverse effect. The defects become recombination centers, deteriorating the charge carrier separation efficiency.19

Recently, introducing dislocations (1D defects) in functional ceramics has raised great attention.20–24 The impact of dislocations on the electronic and ionic conductivity of metal oxides is of particular significance for photocatalysis and may surpass the effect of classical 0D chemical doping.25–29 Therefore, using the term 1D doping20 to introduce dislocations in these materials is warranted. As this approach does not require extra, potentially scarce elements, 1D doping was later also denoted as self-doping or sustainable doping.27 It could already be illustrated that dislocations have an impact on the photoelectric properties of semiconducting ceramics. Previous experiments on the deformation of ZnS led to an apparent reduction in the optical band gap, which was attributed to the creation of trap states inside the dislocation core.30–32 Localized photoelectric experiments with conductive atomic force microscopy on strontium titanate demonstrated a significantly higher laser-induced photocurrent in dislocation-rich regions.33 These observations indicate that introducing dislocations can alter the electronic structure of materials locally, directly influencing the charge carrier separation and transfer in a semiconducting ceramic and subsequently affecting its photocatalytic performance. Ren et al. proposed this in a work where TiO2 nanowires with different dislocation densities also exhibited varying photo-catalytic efficiency when considering dye degradation in a water solution.34 However, the dislocation introduction was rather unintentional.

In this work, 1D defects of dislocations were introduced into bulk BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals through a high-temperature deformation process to explore the effect of dislocations on both their photoelectric and photocatalytic performances. The two materials have already been discussed for photocatalysis of various reactions. Single crystal samples were selected as templates for this study as ideal crystalline samples for which the optimal slip plane and load direction can be chosen for extensive plastic deformation.24,35 The catalyzed reaction discussed in this work is the generation of H2O2 from oxygen-enriched water without sacrificial agents. Notably, for rutile TiO2, it could be illustrated that hydrogen peroxide production dominated, particularly in oxygen-rich environments, instead of complete water splitting.36,37 With an overall band gap of 3.0 eV, its valence band is at −0.5 V against the reversible hydrogen electrode.38 This enables the oxygen reduction reaction (Fig. 1):

O2 + 2H+ + 2e → H2O2(1)

image file: d4ta03786c-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide production with rutile TiO2.36,39

The corresponding oxidation reaction is the production of oxygen from water:

2H2O + 4h+ → O2 + 4H+(2)

The same reactions could also be induced for BaTiO3 catalysts.40 However, it has not been proven in literature so far. Compared to rutile, the band gap of BaTiO3 is 3.2 eV and there is a 0.2 eV shift of the valence band to higher energy.38 Therefore, it will be part of the investigation of whether this impacts H2O2 production and how the dislocation affects this behavior. Hydrogen peroxide is a heavily used chemical currently synthesized by the industrial anthraquinone process.39,41 However, this process is not environmentally friendly. Therefore, the H2O2 synthesis is an excellent benchmark for identifying changes in catalytic efficiency due to the presence of dislocations while also addressing the industrially relevant topic of sustainable synthesis.42

2 Experimental

2.1. Dislocation imprint and microstructure characterization

BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals were synthesized by top-seeded solution-growth (TSSG). TiO2 and BaTiO3 single crystals were [010]-oriented and [110]-oriented with coordinate systems: X: [001]; Y: [100]; Z: [010] (TiO2) and X: [[1 with combining macron]10]; Y: [001]; Z: [110] (BaTiO3) in the exact geometry of 4 × 4 × 8 mm3 (Electro-Optics Technology GmbH, Idar Oberstein, Germany). For BaTiO3 single crystals, uniaxial compression in the direction of [110] was applied at a temperature of 1150 °C to activate the {100} 〈100〉 slip system with a Schmid factor of 0.5, which induced the generation of dislocations along [001] (see Fig. 2a).43 To this end, samples were heated at a rate of 1 °C min−1 to 1150 °C. After a thermal equilibrium for 30 min, a preload of 1.25 MPa was applied. Compression was conducted at 1150 °C with a loading rate of 0.2 N s−1 (0.0125 MPa s−1) using a load frame (Z010, Zwick/Roell, Ulm, Germany) equipped with a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) for precise displacement measurement. Plastic deformation in single crystal BaTiO3 can be achieved to several%.36 A plastic deformation value of 2% was chosen to safely reach the regime of steady-state creep with equilibrium dislocation density but limited sample barrelling simultaneously.44 When the deformation reached this value, the sample was carefully unloaded with an unloading rate of 0.5 N s−1 (0.031 MPa s−1) to avoid cracking. Afterwards, the sample was cooled to room temperature at 1 °C min−1 under uniaxial compressive stress of 1.25 MPa. The orientation of the as-prepared samples was confirmed using Laue back-reflection (1001 Model, Huber, Rimsting, Germany). The surfaces of the (001) and (110) cut samples were then finely polished to a 0.5–1.0 mm thickness. The TiO2 single crystals were deformed in a similar process. However, in this case, the crystals were deformed at 1050 °C along the [010] directions, which activates the {110} 〈110〉 slip system. Edge dislocations mostly occurred along [100] (see Fig. 2b).27 Prior work had demonstrated that high-temperature compression is able to increase the dislocation density by ∼2 to 3 orders of magnitudes (from ca. 1011 m−2 to 1013 m−2) for both materials.27,36
image file: d4ta03786c-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Schematic illustrations of the geometry and orientation of (a) the pristine BaTiO3 crystal and (b) the pristine TiO2 crystal before uniaxial deformation, the imprinted dislocations after uniaxial deformation, and the dimension and orientation of the photocatalyst reference sample prepared from the pristine crystal and dislocation sample from the deformed crystal. (c)–(e) Bright-field STEM images of the imprinted dislocations (marked with the blue arrow) in BaTiO3 crystal viewed on (010), (110), and (001) planes, respectively. (f) Bright-field TEM image of the imprinted dislocations in TiO2 viewed on (011) plane.

Bright-field transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) observations were conducted on a JEM-2100F TEM (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan). (001) and (110) cut samples were extracted with a 300 μm thickness and then polished using a Multi-Prep polishing system (Allied High Tech Products Inc., Compton, CA, USA) down to 20 μm. The as-polished thin slices were annealed at 200 °C for 30 min with a heating/cooling rate of 1 °C min−1 to release the stress from the polishing procedure. The annealed TEM slices were mounted on supporting molybdenum grids of 100 mesh (Plano, Wetzlar, Germany) and thinned by Ar ions using a dual ion milling system (Gatan, Pleasanton, CA, USA) into electron transparency.

2.2. Light absorbance, electrochemistry, photoluminescence, and surface photovoltage measurements

A reflection method was adopted to quantify the light absorbance of the single crystal samples by an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-3600 Plus, Shimadzu Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan). The single crystal was embedded in the center of the BaSO4 powder bed in the sample holder, and another pure BaSO4 powder bed was used to determine the baseline. Electrochemical measurements were conducted in a neutral electrolyte (0.2 M Na2SO4 solution) at room temperature with a three-electrode configuration, in which a platinum wire served as the counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl electrode served as the reference electrode, and an electrochemical workstation (CHI760E, Shanghai Chenhua Instrument Ltd., P. R. China) was used. Single crystal samples with and without dislocations were mounted on electrode holders to serve as the working electrode. For the photocurrent measurement, an Xe arc lamp of 300 W (Beijing Perfect Light Technology Co., Ltd., China) was utilized to provide the simulated solar light with a range of wavelengths from ∼320 nm to ∼780 nm for several on–off illumination cycles with an interval of 20 seconds. Mott–Schottky (M–S) plots were measured at 1 kHz and 3 kHz, respectively, to ensure the data accuracy. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra were quantified by a fluorescence spectrometer (FLS1000, Edinburgh Instruments Co., Ltd., UK). The surface photovoltage (SPV) spectra were obtained on a self-built system from Taiyuan University of Technology. The system consisted of a 500 W xenon lamp (CHF-XM500W, Beijing Perfect Light Technology Co., Ltd., China), a monochromator (Omni-λ300, Zolix, China), a lock-in amplifier (SR830, Stanford Research Systems, USA), optical chopper (SR540, Stanford Research Systems, USA), a photovoltaic cell, and a data processing computer.

2.3. Photocatalytic H2O2 production experiments

Photocatalytic H2O2 production was quantified in a sealed glass vessel. Throughout the whole process, a single crystal was placed at the bottom of the glass reactor. Then, 25 mL of pure deionized (DI) water was added to the reactor without the addition of any sacrificial agents. Subsequently, either dry air or pure oxygen was bubbled into DI water for 30 min to expel dissolved impurity gas. Finally, the Xe arc lamp was activated for solar light simulation. Continuous mechanical stirring was applied to the DI water, and a circulating cooling water system kept the reaction at room temperature. As the reaction progressed, 3 mL reaction solution with the H2O2 product was sampled every 10 min for subsequent chromogenic experiment.

The horseradish peroxidase (POD) chromogenic method was used to evaluate the photocatalytic H2O2 production performance. 10 mg POD was dissolved in 10 mL DI water. The obtained POD solution and 0.1 g N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD, Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., Shanghai, P. R. China) were added into two 10 mL sulfuric acid solutions (0.05 M) with continuous mechanical stirring, respectively. A phosphate buffer solution was prepared by mixing 0.5 M di-potassium hydrogen phosphate with 0.5 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Subsequently, 3 mL sampled reaction solution was mixed with 0.3 mL phosphate buffer solution. 30 μL sulphated DPD solution and 30 μL sulphated POD solution were then added to the mixed phosphoric acid buffer solution. The color was gradually observed in the mixed solution for a duration of 20 seconds. The light absorbance of the chromogenic solution was quantified by an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-3600 Plus, Shimadzu Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) with a testing wavelength of 450–650 nm and an absorption characteristic peak at 551 nm.

3 Results and discussion

3.1. Introduction and distribution of dislocations in BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals

In contrast to metals, ceramics have been commonly considered as brittle without any dislocation activity. However, especially uniaxial deformation of ceramic single crystals at high temperatures allows for the activation of defined slip systems.26,27,36,43,45–47Fig. 2a and b feature the related schematics of tetragonal BaTiO3 and rutile TiO2 samples used in this work before and after deformation, respectively. Uniaxial deformation of BaTiO3 was conducted at 1150 °C while a slightly lower temperature of 1050 °C was sufficient to plastically deform TiO2.26 The high-temperature compression activated the {100} 〈001〉 and {110} 〈110〉 slip systems, which generated dislocations primarily along [100] and [001] in BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals, respectively.26,36Fig. 2c–e feature the bright-field STEM images of the imprinted dislocations in BaTiO3 crystals viewed on (010), (110), and (001) planes, which facilitates the understanding of the spatial distribution of the dislocations. Clearly, those dislocations extending along the [001] direction in BaTiO3 were parallel to (010) and (110) planes and perpendicular to the (001) plane. Fig. 2f highlights the imprinted dislocations in TiO2 crystals lying parallel on the (011) plane, which are the reported slip planes for rutile TiO2.27

3.2. Dislocation effects on optical properties and energy band structures of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals

The optical properties of samples were quantified by diffuse reflectance with wavelengths ranging from 300 nm to 800 nm. Their light absorbance spectra could be approximated from their measured diffuse reflectance by the Kubelka–Munk (K–M) function as given by eqn (3):
F(R) = (1 − R)2/2R(3)
where F(R) refers to the K–M function, and R is the diffuse reflectance.48 Tauc plots ((F(R))1/2vs. hν) were converted from their light absorbance data, and linear fitting at the absorption edge of the plots revealed the sample's band gap values. Fig. 3a and d depict the light absorbance spectra of BaTiO3 and TiO2 crystals with and without dislocations, respectively. The results reveal that the plastically deformed, dislocation-rich BaTiO3 and TiO2 samples did not exhibit a drastic impact on their light absorption ranges, and their light absorbance edges were at ∼498 nm and ∼438 nm for BaTiO3 and TiO2 crystals, respectively, consistent with previous reports.49–52 It is well known that single crystal samples and powder samples may have different light absorbance behavior, and single crystal samples with different orientations may also have different light absorbance behavior. Fig. 3c and d display Tauc plots of BaTiO3 and TiO2 crystals with and without engineered dislocations constructed from their light absorbance data. The linear fits of the plots revealed that band gap values of BaTiO3 single crystal without and with uniaxial deformation were determined at ∼2.39 eV and ∼2.43 eV, respectively. In comparison, that of TiO2 single crystal without and with dislocation engineering were determined at ∼2.83 eV and ∼2.87 eV, respectively. The very similar band gap values demonstrate that dislocations induced by uniaxial deformation do not significantly impact the macroscopic apparent band gap. This makes the materials TiO2 and BaTiO3 behave differently as compared to ZnS.30–32 Even though a change in the electronic properties at dislocations could be established for the two materials in this work, a modification of the electronic structure cannot be measured globally by light absorption spectroscopy. A reduction of the band gap could also be beneficial for using energy from light in the visible range for photocatalysis.39 However, there is always a trade-off between a catalyst's reduction potential and light absorption range. Considering light absorbance, the samples with dislocations generally had higher light absorbance intensities compared to their counterparts without dislocations, which might be induced by the enhancement of light scattering and subsequent absorption by their imprinted high-density dislocations.53

image file: d4ta03786c-f3.tif
Fig. 3 (a) Light absorbance spectra and Tauc plots, (b) and (c) Mott–Schottky plots measured at 1 kHz and 3 kHz of BaTiO3 single crystals with and without uniaxial deformation. (d) Light absorbance spectra and Tauc plots, (e) and (f) Mott–Schottky plots measured at 1 kHz and 3 kHz of TiO2 single crystals with and without uniaxial deformation. (g) Schematic energy band structures of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals with and without uniaxial deformation.

To elucidate the dislocation impact on energy band structures of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals, M–S measurements were conducted at 1 kHz and 3 kHz, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3b, c, e and f. The flat-band potentials of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals could be determined from the intercepts of the linearly fitted M–S curves with x-axis. Notably, the M–S analysis revealed that the introduction of dislocations did not alter their flat-band potentials. Consequently, the dislocation-containing samples and their pristine counterparts exhibited identical conduction band potentials. For n-type semiconductors, the conduction band potential (ECB) is typically 0.1–0.3 V more negative than the flat-band potential (EFB).54,55 Thus, their ECB values could be calculated combined with the Nernst equation by eqn (4):56

ECB(NHE) = EFB(vs. Ag/AgCl) + 0.1975 − 0.2(4)

The ECB(NHE) values of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals were determined at ∼−0.77 V and ∼−0.65 V, respectively, no matter dislocations were induced or not. By combining their ECB(NHE) values with their band gap values, their EVB(NHE) values could be obtained and their schematic energy band structures were displayed in Fig. 3g. For BaTiO3 single crystals, the EVB(NHE) values were calculated at ∼1.62 V and ∼1.66 V for the dislocation and reference samples, respectively. For TiO2 single crystals, the EVB(NHE) values were calculated at ∼2.28 V and ∼2.31 V for the dislocation and reference samples, respectively.

Thus, these results indicated that the introduction of dislocations only induced a slight narrowing of their band gaps and subsequently a slight reduction of their oxidation potentials. This effect can be attributed to the compressive stress exerted on the valence band by the dislocations.57,58 Notably, this band gap modification occurs without significant alteration of the materials' light absorption.

3.3. Photogenerated charge carrier separation and transfer in deformed BaTiO3 and TiO2

Photocurrent measurements with light on–off cycles were conducted on a three-electrode configuration, as depicted schematically in Fig. 4a. This setup only assesses a current in case a photoelectrocatalytic reaction is induced. Therefore, it is possible to extract the impact of dislocations on photocatalytic properties. Under illumination, photo-excited charge carriers migrate directionally to the photocatalyst surface to generate a photocurrent, which decays rapidly when the illumination is switched off. At this point, the focus is not on the respective induced reaction but on the fact that a reaction causes a photocurrent in general. Fig. 4b and c contrast obtained photocurrents of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals with and without engineered dislocations, respectively. It could be illustrated that the photocurrent values of both samples were higher by a factor of 3 to 5 for samples with high dislocation density. Thus, dislocations induced by uniaxial deformation significantly affected the materials' photogenerated charge carrier separation. Photogenerated charge carrier separation and transfer properties of BaTiO3 and TiO2 were further investigated through photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) and surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPV) analysis. Fig. 5a and b contrast PL curves of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals with and without engineered dislocations, respectively. For both BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals, their measured PL intensities decreased when dislocations were introduced, revealing a suppression of photogenerated charge carrier recombination by dislocations.59Fig. 5c and d reveal SPV curves of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals with and without dislocation engineering, respectively. For both BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals, the onset of the photo response was generally similar, independent of dislocation density. This observation is consistent with the fact that dislocations did not have a noticeable effect on the absorption edge in Fig. 3. However, their SPV signal intensities were quite different when dislocations were present. In their pristine forms, BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals used in this work are n-type conductors. Single crystals can obtain impurity doping by foreign elements, giving them a certain preferred type of conductivity. Especially for TiO2, this has been evaluated in depth.26,27 SPV is a measurement that is sensitive to the minority charge carriers. In n-type semiconductors, photogenerated holes thus transfer to surfaces of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals, causing the measured positive SPV signals.60 The SPV signal intensity of samples with high dislocation density decreases compared to the ones with low density, which suggests that more photogenerated electrons move to their surfaces to reduce positive SPV signal.
image file: d4ta03786c-f4.tif
Fig. 4 (a) Schematic illustration of the three-electrode configuration for the photocurrent measurement and generating electrons and holes in a photocatalyst sample under light illumination. (b) Photocurrent response curves were generated in a dislocation sample prepared from a uniaxially-deformed BaTiO3 single crystal and a reference sample prepared from a pristine BaTiO3 single crystal with five illumination on–off cycles. (c) Photocurrent response curves were generated in the dislocation sample prepared from a uniaxially-deformed TiO2 single crystal and the reference sample prepared from a pristine TiO2 single crystal with six illumination on–off cycles.

image file: d4ta03786c-f5.tif
Fig. 5 Photoluminescence spectroscopy spectra of (a) BaTiO3 and (b) TiO2 single crystals with and without uniaxial deformation. Surface photovoltage spectra of (c) BaTiO3 and (d) TiO2 single crystals with and without uniaxial deformation.

Thus, SPV results provide strong evidence that dislocations not only enhanced the photogenerated charge carrier separation and transfer efficiencies but also helped to generate a directional transfer of photogenerated electrons to surfaces of BaTiO3 or TiO2 single crystals. As discovered in previous reports by us and other research groups, positively charged cores of dislocations in n-type semiconductors are compensated by a high electron concentration in the space charge region.26,27,61,62 The field in that region certainly contributes to increased exciton separation and lifetime. For bundled dislocations, overlapping of negative space charge zones could form percolating paths, which were found to be responsible for enhanced electronic conductivity along dislocations.27,63 Thus, the dislocations in n-type BaTiO3 or TiO2 single-crystal photocatalysts could serve as fast electron pathways for photogenerated electrons. Separating e–h+ pairs and increasing their respective transport is generally seen as one of the most essential strategies to improve the photocatalytic performance of semiconducting ceramics.39,41

3.4. Dislocation-enhanced photocatalytic H2O2 synthesis

Fig. 6 demonstrates the impact of dislocations on the photocatalytic H2O2 generation of BaTiO3 and TiO2 single-crystal samples. Different reaction conditions without any sacrificial agents were considered for both low and high dislocation density. Fig. 6a and b contrast the photocatalytic H2O2 production of BaTiO3 single crystal samples with either air or O2 saturation in water under simulated solar illumination. It could be found that the photocatalytic H2O2 production of the BaTiO3 sample increased significantly due to dislocations, regardless of whether air or O2 bubbling was utilized. For example, the H2O2 concentration in the air-bubbled pure de-ionized (DI) water using the dislocation-rich BaTiO3 reached ∼6.6 μmol L−1 after just 30 min treatment. In comparison, the photocatalytic reaction with the pristine single crystal sample without mechanically induced dislocations resulted in just ∼3.5 μmol L−1. When O2 was introduced instead of air, the H2O2 production efficiency was further improved because the O2 reduction reaction with two photogenerated electrons depends on oxygen concentration. For example, the H2O2 generation in the O2-enriched pure DI-water catalyzed by the BaTiO3 single crystal sample with dislocations reached ∼22.2 μmol L−1, more than a factor of two higher as compared to that with the pristine sample (∼9.7 μmol L−1). To test the reproducibility of the processes, Fig. 6c summarizes the photocatalytic H2O2 production performances of the dislocation-rich BaTiO3 for three consecutive runs. It demonstrates that the photocatalytic H2O2 production performances are stable for multiple uses. Fig. 6d illustrates the H2O2 production catalyzed with TiO2 samples in O2-enriched pure water. It also demonstrates that dislocations in TiO2 single crystals largely enhance its photocatalytic H2O2 production. Fig. 6e underscores that the behavior is stable for at least three consecutive runs. Fig. S1 and S2 exhibit the comparative XRD and UV-vis analysis results of dislocation-rich BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystal samples before and after three consecutive runs, respectively. These results provide compelling evidence for their structural and optical stabilities throughout the experimental process, which subsequently result in their photocatalytic H2O2 production performance.
image file: d4ta03786c-f6.tif
Fig. 6 Photocatalytic H2O2 production of BaTiO3 single crystal samples with and without uniaxial deformation in either (a) air or (b) O2-bubbled pure DI water under simulated solar illumination. (c) Photocatalytic H2O2 production of the BaTiO3 single crystal sample with uniaxial deformation in O2-bubbled pure DI water under simulated solar illumination for three consecutive runs. (d) Photocatalytic H2O2 production of TiO2 single crystal samples with and without uniaxial deformation in O2-bubbled pure DI water under simulated solar illumination. (e) Photocatalytic H2O2 production of the TiO2 single crystal sample with uniaxial deformation in O2-bubbled pure DI water under simulated solar illumination for three consecutive runs.

From Fig. 6, it is generally possible to derive that the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 is higher than that of BaTiO3 and that the changes in the photoelectric properties due to dislocations evaluated in Section 2.3 resulted in a further increase in performance. This indicates a less optimal band gap position of BaTiO3 with respect to H2O2 synthesis, as hypothesized in the introduction. The amount of produced H2O2 with BaTiO3 is, nevertheless, remarkable. The potential of dislocation-enhanced catalysis, even if only demonstrated on single crystals, can be contrasted to the H2O2 yield with the current literature. For the dislocation-rich TiO2 sample, the yield amounts to 80.625 mmol h−1 m−2 in pure water saturated with oxygen, while the one for BaTiO3 is lower with 69.375 mmol h−1 m−2 in pure water saturated with oxygen. These results are very promising as they are much better than other optimized catalysts (some also with defect engineering treatment) in pure water and even with sacrificial agents, as summarized in Table 1.64–74

Table 1 Photocatalytic H2O2 production comparison with various photocatalysts
Photocatalyst Sacrificial agent Oxygen source Light source BET surface area (m2 g−1) Production rate (μmol h−1 m−2) Ref.
ACNT-5 None O2 Simulated sunlight (AM 1.5 filter) 63.53 3.78 64
Ag/ZnFe2O4–Ag–Ag3PO4 (111) Methanol Air 300 W xenon lamp (AM 1.5 filter) 111.5 0.92 65
PT-g-C3N4 Ethanol Air 300 W iodine tungsten lamp 20.363 0.61 66
Homo-CN Ethanol Air 300 W xenon lamp, ≥420 nm 50.8 2.54 67
ANQ-POP Ethanol O2 300 W xenon lamp, ≥400 nm 380 0.42 68
MAF-6 IPA O2 300 W xenon lamp 0.1448 6940.61 69
PF2FBT/TiO2 None O2 300 W xenon lamp, ≥420 nm 24.4 0.61 70
VO C3N5/TiO2 Ethanol O2 300 W xenon lamp 53.2 4395 71
VO Co3O4 None O2 300 W xenon lamp, ≥420 nm 32.08 117.83 72
VN C3N4 IPA O2 300 W xenon lamp, ≥420 nm 4.92 9.67 73
VC g-C3N4 None O2 300 W xenon lamp, ≥420 nm 9.4 0.98 74
Dislocation-tuned BaTiO3 single-crystal None O2 300 W xenon lamp N/A 69[thin space (1/6-em)]375 This work
Dislocation-tuned TiO2 single-crystal None O2 300 W xenon lamp N/A 80[thin space (1/6-em)]625 This work

Apart from the higher photocurrent for the oxygen photoreduction due to the higher exciton lifetime, the change in surface structure surrounding the dislocations could also have impacted the reaction. It is known that relatively stable Ti–OOH species can develop and inhibit further reaction to hydrogen peroxide.75 A disruption of surface structure, such as oxygen vacancies, was already demonstrated to support the hydrogen peroxide formation.76

It will be of high interest to elucidate the impact of doping and initial defect chemistry on the photocatalytic properties. These factors affect space charges and, thus, will modify charge separation properties. Additionally, there will be a dependence on the type and mesoscopic structure of dislocations and on the structure of the material itself. Further current projects focus on imprinting surfaces of polycrystalline ceramics, as applicable for mass production, to transfer this new mechanism into industrial processes. The use of metal oxide semiconductors like TiO2 and BaTiO3 for the production of hydrogen peroxide may be even more feasible when combining the introduction of dislocations with other strategies to enhance the photocatalytic activity (e.g., formation of heterojunctions).41,42

4 Conclusions

Dislocations primarily along 〈001〉 and 〈100〉 orientations were successfully introduced into BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystals by uniaxial compression at enhanced temperature. It was found that their light absorbance properties were not significantly affected by these dislocations. At the same time, their charge carrier separation/transfer behaviors were enhanced to reduce the recombination of photogenerated electron–hole pairs effectively. Primarily, the dislocations served as fast pathways for photogenerated electrons from the photocatalyst bulk to the surface. Thus, dislocations essentially elevated the amount of photogenerated electrons on the photocatalyst surface, which is beneficial for electron-dominated photocatalytic reactions. Hence, these dislocation-rich BaTiO3 and TiO2 single crystal samples demonstrated enhanced photocatalytic H2O2 synthesis over their counterparts without dislocations. The amount of produced H2O2 even exceed multiple approaches from literature despite no facilitation of sacrificial agents. This work opens a novel approach to utilize 1D defects in bulk photocatalysts to accelerate the photocatalytic reactions, which could be readily applied to various photocatalytic applications.

Data availability

The manuscript provides most of the relevant data, which mostly refer to the respective procedures or are TEM images. The Tauc analysis and the surface photovoltage measurements can be made available upon request.

Conflicts of interest

S. Gao, J. Rödel, T. Frömling, and Q. Li have filed a patent application under PCT/CN2023/142482.


We are grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52272125) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Project No. 414179371) for funding. We would also like to thank the Analysis and Testing Center of the Southwest Jiaotong University for its assistance in material characterization.


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