Jakub Hoskovec*a,
Pavla Čapkováa,
Petr Ryšáneka,
Dániel Gardenöc,
Karel Friessc,
Jaroslava Jarolímkováa,
Viktor Gregušb,
Pavel Kauleb,
Tereza Duškováb,
Magda Škvorováb,
Václav Šíchab and
Oldřich Benadade
aCentre of Nanomaterials and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, J.E. Purkyne University, Pasteurova 3632/15, 400 96 Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. E-mail: Jakub.Hoskovec@ujep.cz; Tel: +420 475 286 647
bDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyne University, Pasteurova 3632/15, 400 96 Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
cUniversity of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Department of Physical Chemistry, Technicka 5, Prague 6 – Dejvice, 16628, Czech Republic
dDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Science, Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Za Valcovnou 1000/8, 400 96 14 Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
eInstitute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Videnska 1083, 142 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
First published on 28th August 2024
Hydrogen-capturing membranes under standard atmospheric conditions have been prepared based on polyurethane (PUR) nanofibers modified by using Pd nanoparticles. Hydrogen sorption capacity achieved at room temperature and a pressure of 1 bar is 207.7 ml g−1 (1.9 wt%) and at 4 bar, it is 1173.3 ml g−1 (10.6 wt%), measured by the standard Pressure Decay (PD) method. An original method, the dynamic Gas Chromatography (dGC) method, has been developed for H2 sorption tests simulating conditions in a gas mixture stream. The comparison of both types of sorption tests is useful for practical use in selectively capturing H2 under real conditions. Desorption tests performed by the dGC method confirmed the reasonable stability of the content of captured hydrogen in the membrane at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure. The membrane is self-supporting and air-permeable, allowing easy design of the functional unit.
The advantage of palladium and platinum compared to other hydrogen sorbents is their ability to form hydrides even under mild conditions.34,35 Other advantages of these metals include the simplicity of the technology for the preparation of functional units whose design uses thin metal layers. The disadvantage of these metal parts is the well-known fact that the hydration of metals makes them unbearably brittle. This is why palladium nanoparticles and other transition metals have attracted interest as promising hydrogen sorbents.36–40 Nanoparticles will not only eliminate the problem of embrittlement of metal membranes, but their unique properties will also multiply the hydrogen sorption capacity. However, nanoparticle use requires anchoring on a suitable scaffold that meets conditions like high specific surface area, high porosity, and sufficient thermal stability. From this point of view, an electrospun polymeric 2D nanofibrous sheet appears to be a suitable scaffold for hydrogen-sorbing nanomaterials. In addition, the air-permeable membrane in the form of a nanofibrous layer will contribute to the acceleration of sorption–desorption cycles.
An electrospun nanofiber PAN membrane as the carrier of Zr-MOF and Cr-MOF nanocrystals was reported in ref. 27. Although MOF nanocrystals anchored on fibers achieved a lower sorption capacity than pure MOF powders, hydrogen sorption was more efficient in the case of the nanofiber/MOF composite. With a 20 wt% loading of MOF nanocrystals, the composites were able to achieve over 50% of the H2 uptake capacity of individual MOF nanocrystals. Therefore, the anchoring of absorbent substances to nanofibers is advantageous, especially in the case of expensive sorbents. Xia et al. achieved a good hydrogen sorption capacity of electrospun composite nanofibers PVA/Li3N, which were calcined at 550 °C,41 which makes the design of functional devices difficult for practical applications. Calcination of electrospun PVP and PAN/PFSA (PFSA – perfluorinated sulfonic acid) nanofiber membranes at 900 °C, as reported in ref. 42, also led to excellent hydrogen storage capacity, and calcination of electrospun materials as a final technological step is also recommended in the review paper.43 Although calcination leads to a dramatic increase in hydrogen sorption capacity, the disadvantage of this technology is the change in the macroscopic structure of the membrane, which loses its self-supporting properties. In fact, most of the articles describing the technology for the preparation of hydrogen-sorbing nanofibrous materials with final calcination present the resulting sorbing material in powder form, which complicates the design of functional devices for practical application. An exception is the work of Alicia Vergara-Rubio, who reported a self-supporting membrane created from an electrospun PVA membrane with subsequent acidic activation treatment followed by pyrolysis.44
There are various approaches for the preparation of selective sorbent materials, and a general problem in practical applications is the design of a functional device. If the active sorbents are in powder form, the design of the functional unit requires additional technological steps to fix the active powder substances on a solid substrate.
In this work, we tried to create a self-supporting, breathable hydrogen-sorbing nanocomposite membrane based on PUR polymer electrospun nanofibers decorated with Pd nanoparticles with a minimum number of technological steps. The primary motivation of this work is to achieve optimal functionality of the membrane, which will also be easily usable in working devices.
Electrospinning technology generally offers great variability in the selection and use of spinning and collection electrodes. These specific modifications of the technology can then be advantageously combined with given types of experimental methods and desired requirements, which are also used in this work, where two electrospinning technologies within the InoSPIN device (InoCure s. r. o., Czech Republic) and the corresponding initial optimized PUR solution were used.
In the case of the one-step modification procedure of nanofiber membranes, which was described in more detail in subsection 2.3 Modification methods, denoted as approach (2.3.1), needle electrospinning was used, which in previous experiments and comparisons proved to be more advantageous for the spinning of mixtures using a needle as the spinning electrode and a rotating cylinder as the collecting electrode. Within this technological setup, an optimised PUR/DMF stock solution of 45 wt% was prepared. To this pre-prepared, perfectly homogenised working solution of the base material, a quantity of 2 wt% palladium chloride-modifying salt was subsequently added under constant stirring (600 rpm). The solution was stirred for 24 hours at 30 °C.
For the method of postspinning modification of a pure nanofibrous PUR membrane (2.3 Modification methods (2.3.2)), the initial needle electrode was replaced by an edge electrode consisting of a conductive prism with a thickness of 3 mm and a length of 30 cm for higher yield and better homogeneity over the entire collection area within the same device (hereinafter referred to as edge electrospinning). The rewinding collector was used as a collection electrode. Here again, a starting solution of PUR 45 wt% optimised for the technology was prepared using a DMF/THF two-component solvent system in a 1:1 ratio. Homogenization was carried out under constant stirring (300 rpm) at room temperature.
Finally, a stock-reducing solution of hydrazine and distilled water was prepared in a 1:200 ratio for both of these approaches to modify the PUR nanofiber membranes.
Edge electrospinning: the initial PUR/DMF/THF solution was transported by an injection pump at a dosing rate of 0.5 ml min−1 into a special slider, which, at a set speed of 30 mm s−1, performs a repetitive motion on the edge, thus wetting its surface. The whole process was carried out at an applied voltage (potential difference) of 80 kV between the electrodes, whose working distance was 150 mm. The solvent-free nanofibrous membrane was collected on the planar surface of the rewinding collector via a spunbond with a defined collection rate for the desired yield.
2PdCl2 + N2H4 → 4HCl + 2Pd0 + N2 (g)↑ | (1) |
Table 1 presents the samples selected for time consuming sorption tests, based on previous analyses of Pd content. The samples were chosen to represent different membrane preparation technologies, i.e. modifying substance in the spinning solution and subsequent modification of electrospun membranes without UV and with UV surface activation.
Sample | Technology |
PUR_Pristine | Electrospinning of pristine PUR |
PUR_Pd_SOL | PdCl2 in spinning solution (SOL); postspinning reduction of the PUR/PdCl2 membrane |
PUR_Pd_PS | Postspinning (PS) modification of the PUR membrane with PdCl2 with subsequent precipitation; washed several times |
PUR_Pd_PS(UV) | PS modification of a UV treated PUR membrane with PdCl2 with subsequent precipitation; washed several times |
Standard SEM analysis was performed using a VEGA3 instrument (Tescan, Brno, Czech Republic). For the analysis itself, the samples were sputtered on a Q 150T ES sputtering station (Quorum Technologies Ltd, Ringmer, UK) with 20 nm gold for optimal SE yield. All images were taken in resolution mode with the detector set to secondary electrons (SE) at a magnification of 10000× and a constant accelerating voltage of 20 kV. The average values of nanofiber diameters were directly evaluated using the dedicated TESCAN software. High-resolution electron microscopy (HRSEM) and X-ray microanalysis were performed using an FEI Nova NanoSEM (FEI, Brno, Czech Republic) equipped with an Ametek ®EDAX Octane plus SDD detector and TEAM EDS analysis system (AMETEK B. V.; Tilburg, The Netherlands). The nanotissue samples were prepared in the following way: six circular cutouts with a diameter of 3 mm were mounted onto standard SEM stubs in two rows. The first was sputter-coated with 3 nm of platinum for high-resolution imaging at 3 kV. For X-ray microanalysis performed at 15 kV, five nanometers of carbon were evaporated onto the second row. Final images from carbon-coated samples were acquired in backscattered electron mode (BSE) at 3 kV using a concentric CBS detector at magnifications of 25000× and 100000×. The EDS spectra were preprocessed using a TEAM EDAX analysis system, with final post-processing in NIST DTSA-II software Microscopium, 2022-0606 revision (Newbury and Ritchie, 2015;45 Ritchie et al., 201246).
The structure and phase composition of nanofiber membranes were analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A PANalytical X'Pert PRO X-ray diffractometer in the symmetrical Bragg–Brentano configuration under CuKα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å) was used. A parallel X-ray mirror was located in the path of the primary beam, and a parallel plate collimator was located in the path of the diffracted beam. This configuration was used due to the low intensity of the diffracted beam of nanofiber textiles. For the detection of diffracted X-ray beams, a 1D detector X'Celerator was used.
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) was performed on a wave dispersive XRF spectrometer Rigaku Primus IV using standard-less SQX analysis based on the fundamental parameter method. The concentration of the polymer was calculated by normalising the result to 100%, which is typical of standard methods.
The zeta potential of fiber surfaces was evaluated on a SurPASS instrument (Anton Paar, Austria). At room temperature, the samples were studied inside the adjustable gap cell in contact with the electrolyte (0.001 mol per dm3 KCl). All the samples were measured four times at constant pH (pH = 6.9) with a relative error lower than 5%, and the current streaming method and the Helmholtz–Smoluchowski equation have been applied to calculate the zeta potential.
The air permeability parameter indicating the material's degree of porosity/breathability was analysed for individual samples on the equipment of Polymertest (Otrokovice, Czech Republic). The measurement was carried out according to the standard procedure defined by ČSN EN ISO 9237 for determining the air permeability of fabrics. Parameters such as a test area of 20 cm2 and a pressure gradient of 100 Pa were constant during the measurement. Tests for individual membranes were repeated under the same conditions ten times, constantly at a place where no measurements had been made before.47
The method of dynamic Gas Chromatography (dGC), implemented with the help of a gas chromatograph Agilent USA Inc., 7890B and 7697A, programme OpenLab CDS 2.3 (2.3.0) with an external stainless steel fixed bed cell (Galaktech China; internal volume of 20 cm3) placed in an air chamber with an automatically controlled temperature with an accuracy of ±0.5 °C, enables faster and more repeatable determination of sorption and desorption capacities for hydrogen in bulky, low-mass flexible solid samples in a flow system at atmospheric pressure. The development of the dGC breakthrough method for H2 sorption/desorption capacity determination and device was inspired mainly by the work of Bhatta,49 Yang,50 and García51 based on the analysis of sorption or desorption capacities for CO2. During the measurement, the input gas mixture stably contains 1.0 ± 0.1% H2 in N2 (Messer Technogas ČR) or N2 of purity 99.999% and flows through the entire sample at a constant flow rate of 30 cm3 min−1. Before the start of the measurement, each sample is desorbed from most of the adsorbed H2 by vacuum desorption at least 10 minutes after the stabilisation of the limiting vacuum (0.2 Torr) at an automatically controlled temperature with an uncertainty of ±0.5 °C. The resulting adsorption/desorption capacities of the materials were evaluated using the so-called breakthrough curves, which express the dependence of gas concentration on the time of sorption or desorption. The points of these curves were calculated using a formula used, for example, in the papers49–51 to calculate the sorption capacities for CO2, usually from triplicates of experimentally obtained H2 values using a numerical integration method, the trapezoidal method, in the Excel programme of Microsoft Office Standard 2019.
All these effects lead to fibers with a smaller diameter than that of the postspinning-modified fibers, whose value within the measurement error corresponds to the initial unmodified PUR (see Table 2). Furthermore, there are significant defects in the form of beads and fused layers related to the local accumulation of Pd in areas of the solution exposed to a strong electric field, which was also ultimately manifested in the case of air permeability measurements, when due to this high defectivity, its value was slightly increased against the expected decrease despite the increased surface mass generated by the aforementioned conductivity of the solution. Based on this fact, the so-called maximum threshold value of the concentration of the modifying substance was determined experimentally, at which it is still possible to spun the mixed material in a stable process. This concentration corresponds to 2 wt% PdCl2, which was used in the case of the sample shown in Fig. 1B. Thus, in summary, the postspinning modification method offers a number of advantages compared to the mixed approach, which are (1) preserving the non-defectivity of the initial spun polymer, whose overall morphological nature is easily controlled and, above all, tunable thanks to the mere presence of the components (polymer/solvent). (2) The fact of using a chemical or physical approach to activate the surface before the modification itself. (3) Possible use of a higher concentration of the modifying substance above the established maximum threshold value.
Sample | Average fiber diameter [nm] | Air permeability [m s−1] | Size of Pd nanoparticles [nm] |
PUR_Pristine | 240 ± 54 | 0.002 ± 0.0002 | — |
PUR_Pd_SOL | 121 ± 27 | 0.006 ± 0.0003 | 5.7 |
PUR_Pd_PS | 235 ± 50 | 0.002 ± 0.0002 | 3.7 |
PUR_Pd_PS(UV) | 228 ± 51 | 0.002 ± 0.0002 | 4.1 |
High-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) images (Fig. 2A–D) capture a more detailed view of the surface of the modified fibers with reduced Pd nanoparticles, the size of which (Table 2) was determined from the peak profiles using X-ray diffraction analysis based on the calculation of the Scherer formula.
The imaging of treated samples in backscattered electrons clearly shows the presence of metal nanoparticles as bright spots not appearing on pure PUR (Fig. 2A). Thus, it is an efficient tool for comparison of the modified and unmodified surfaces. Thanks to this visualisation, it is also possible to optically compare their distribution and the tendency to cluster when, as can be seen, very good coverage of the polymer surface with nanoparticles applies to the samples treated by the postspinning approach (Fig. 2C and D). Here, the effect of the applied physical approach for surface activation through UV radiation is also very visible, which caused a more homogeneous coverage with a simultaneous reduction in the formation of aggregates (Fig. 2D).
In the case of Fig. 2B, representing a sample of one-step approach modification, a preferential orientation of nanoparticles was revealed in the resulting defect formations in the form of beads, the surface of which is captured in the relevant image. The size and distribution of nanoparticles in space are much more random in this case, but on the other hand, no tendency to cluster into larger objects, e.g., coatings, was observed, which can most likely be attributed to the steric effect of PUR macromolecules on PdCl2 before and during the spinning process itself.
XRD structure analysis revealed the crystallinity of the PUR nanofibers and supported the conclusive presence of Pd nanoparticles on the membrane surface. Fig. 3 shows the diffraction patterns for the original PUR membrane and the PUR/Pd prepared by various methods. The black profile corresponding to the pristine PUR membrane shows a single dominant broadened peak for ∼20° 2θ (hereafter referred to as the PUR peak), which indicates two distinctive features of the fiber structure: (1) the small size of PUR crystallites manifested by the broaden PUR peak; and (2) the preferred orientation of PUR crystallites, where the polymer chains are ordered parallel to the fiber axis, which means the absence of reflections belonging to hkl planes perpendicular to the fiber axis.
XRD profile broadening for palladium reflections indicates the small size of Pd crystallites. The lowest halfwidth of Pd reflections corresponds to the largest Pd nanocrystallites in the sample PUR_Pd_SOL. A comparison of XRD profiles for all PUR/Pd samples is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 The cutout of the diffraction profiles (Fig. 3A) shows a more detailed view of the region for (A) 30–50° 2θ and (B) 60–90° 2θ, where the peaks belonging to the crystal planes Pd (111), (200), (220), and (311) are clearly visible. |
For the peak occurrence areas characteristic of Pd falling within the range of values ∼40–82 2θ (Fig. 4A and B), the manifestation of the amount of Pd nanoparticles is quite noticeable. An obvious phenomenon can be stated: as the percentage of Pd in the PUR matrix increases, there is a rise in the number of reflective positions and, consequently, the intensity of individual profiles.
In addition, the effect of UV activation of the fiber surface is also visible, which led to the binding of a larger amount of Pd (see also Table 3 and Subsection 3.2) than in the case of the non-UV-exposed sample (green vs. blue profile).
Sample | Zeta potential [mV] | Amount of Pd (XRF)% | Amount of Cl (XRF)% | Size of Pd nanoparticles [nm] | H2 absorption capacity [ml g−1] |
PUR_Pristine | −30.2 ± 1.2 | — | 0.005 | — | 676.30 |
PUR_Pd_SOL | −26.2 ± 0.8 | 0.08 | 1.1 | 5.7 | 904.05 |
PUR_Pd_PS | −32.9 ± 1.1 | 0.02 | 0.2 | 3.7 | 965.14 |
PUR_Pd_PS(UV) | −35.0 ± 1.5 | 0.04 | 0.6 | 4.1 | 1175.18 |
Here, too, the zeta potential values confirm the fact of the positive benefit of UV surface activation, together with the performed EDS analysis as shown ub Fig. 5. (Green profile) and at the same time indicate that, within the framework of the one-step modification (PUR_Pd_SOL), Pd is partially absorbed by the volume of PUR nanofibers. This is evident when comparing the peaks belonging to C Kα and Pd Lβ and Pd Lα. The surface of pure PUR, knowing its chemical structure, has a dominant representation of C and O2 in the range of energy used for EDS analysis, which confirms the course of the red profile for the sample with one-step modification, when due to the dominant presence of Pd in the fiber volume, the Pd intensities for Pd Lβ and Pd Lα, were suppressed, with a simultaneous increase in intensities for C Kα and O Kα, which distorts Pd Mγ in the overlap. Finally, the peak belonging to Cl Kα indicates the residual HCl product that remained in the samples despite thorough washing.
Fig. 6 and Table 4 show the pressure dependence of H2 sorption capacity obtained by the PD method. Surprisingly, the PUR nanofibrous substrate itself shows a significant sorption capacity. Since the sample PUR_Pd_PS(UV) showed the highest sorption capacity, further sorption tests using the dGC method were performed only for this sample.
Fig. 6 Comparison of H2 sorption capacity for modified PUR: PUR_Pd_SOL, PUR_Pd_PS, PUR_Pd_PS(UV), and unmodified PUR_Pristine samples within the Pressure Decay (PD) method. |
Sample | H2 sorption 1 bar; 30 °C [ml g−1] | H2 sorption 1 bar; 30 °C wt% | H2 sorption 4 bar; 30 °C [ml g−1] | H2 sorption 4 bar; 30 °C wt% |
PUR_Pristine | 135.5 | 1.2 | 673.4 | 6.1 |
PUR_Pd_SOL | 193.7 | 1.7 | 901.1 | 8.1 |
PUR_Pd_PS | 209.5 | 1.9 | 959.1 | 8.6 |
PUR_Pd_PS(UV) | 207.7 | 1.9 | 1173.3 | 10.6 |
Compared to other methods used in the field, the dGC breakthrough method makes it possible to selectively determine the content of sorbed and desorbed hydrogen under mild conditions in the presence of nitrogen, which competes with sorbed hydrogen on the surface of the material under given conditions. The yields of the repetitive cycles of sorption and hydrogen desorption in a stream of nitrogen (Fig. 7) can thus approach the real values of hydrogen capture, for example, from pyrolysis gas mixtures. Therefore, the values of hydrogen sorption capacities for all three materials obtained by the pressure decay method (Fig. 6) are approximately 4.8–8.3 times higher than the results of the dynamic GC method, as described in Tables 4 and 5.
Fig. 7 Comparison of H2 sorption (left) and desorption (right) capacities for modified PUR_Pd_PS(UV) and unmodified PUR_Pristine samples with the dGC method. |
Sample | H2 sorption capacity 25 °C; 1 bar [ml g−1] | H2 sorption capacity 25 °C;1 bar [wt%] | H2 desorption capacity 25 °C;1 bar [ml g−1] | H2 desorption yield 25 °C;1 bar [%] | H2 desorption capacity 50 °C;1 bar [ml g−1] | H2 desorption yield 50 °C;1 bar [%] |
PUR_Pristine | 16.3 ± 3.9 | 0.1 | 10.7 ± 0.2 | 65.9 | 9.59 ± 0.4 | 59.6 |
PUR_Pd_PS(UV) | 43.2 ± 2.4 | 0.4 | 6.2 ± 1.1 | 14.4 | 11.40 ± 0.1 | 26.4 |
Desorption capacities obtained exclusively by the dGC breakthrough method also provide information about H2 desorption at 25 °C by changing the sorption equilibrium due to the flow of pure nitrogen. Amazingly, PUR pristine material excels with the best yields of 66% H2, and 60% H2 at 50 °C after three adsorption–desorption cycles measured at ambient pressure. Fig. 7 (left diagram) shows the H2 sorption capacity measured by this method for the PUR_Pd_PS(UV) sample. The right diagram in Fig. 7 illustrates the desorption test measured by the dGC method at atmospheric pressure in a stream of nitrogen. It can be seen that the maximum hydrogen loss of about 11 ml g−1 is reached after about 15 minutes, where the majority of the hydrogen loss comes from the PUR substrate. After 15 minutes, the membrane is stable, i.e., it retains a constant hydrogen content at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure.
The low values of H2 desorption yields in the material PUR_Pd(UV) after three repetitions can be explained mainly by the formation of a thermodynamically more stable interstitial hydride made of palladium nanoparticles after the material comes into contact with hydrogen. This hypothesis can be supported by the presence of changes in the Bragg angles measured by XRD in the material exposed to H2 in comparison with the starting material stored in air (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8 Comparison of H2 sorption (A) and desorption (B) capacities for modified PUR_Pd_PS(UV) and unmodified PUR_Pristine samples with the dGC method. |
The advantage of nanoPd modified PUR after surface pretreatment by UV radiation is the selectivity of Pd in chemisorption of H2 with the formation of interstitial PdxHy hydride. Unfortunately, the PUR used as a matrix with a large surface area for nanoPd deposition is not a suitable material for the study of H2 desorption at higher temperatures because, above 60 °C, the molten fibers stick together.
Therefore, for the use of Pd nanoparticles deposited only on the surfaces of flexible nanostructured fibers obtained by the method of electrostatic spinning of polymers, it will be necessary to further search for a material that will effectively cover its surface with Pd nanoparticles and at the same time selectively and efficiently desorb chemisorbed H2 at higher temperatures or under other experimental conditions.
The maximum achieved sorption capacity under normal pressure at 1 bar is 207.7 ml g−1 (1.9 wt%), and at 4 bar, it is 1173.3 ml g−1 (10.6 wt%). The membrane shows the stability needed for practical use, which means the hydrogen content captured in the membrane remains stable under ambient conditions.
Comparing the achieved results with those of other authors is actually difficult due to the different experimental conditions of sorption—high pressures and temperatures—used by various authors, for example.35,39,40 Nevertheless the sorption capacity of our PUR/Pd membrane measured at 1 bar and room temperature of ∼207.7 ml g−1 corresponds to 1.9 wt%, which can be compared with the value of ∼1 wt% achieved at 1 bar by J. Ren in ref. 27 with a PAN nanofiber membrane decorated with MOF nanocrystals.
The results of this work yielded a number of useful partial findings significant for both technology and membrane characterization, including the methodology of sorption and desorption tests, which can be summarised as follows:
• First, functional additives mixed directly into the spinning solutions reduce the number of process steps; however, additives localised within the fibers lose functionality, which is a problem especially for metal nanoparticles and MOFs.
• Second, UV activation of nanofiber surfaces leads to a higher content of modifying agents on the surface of the membranes and also brings a higher homogeneity of distribution of the modifying agent on the fiber surface itself.
• Third, although the choice of polymeric substrate can enhance the sorption capacity through chemisorption, however, sorption on the substrate is inefficient for hydrogen retention in the membrane.
This work explores advanced methods for preparing nanofibrous composite materials based on PUR/Pd. It introduces a novel dGC characterization method, unpublished until now, that enables simultaneous study of the sorption and desorption of H2. The method simulates real-life process conditions using a gas stream.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |