Band alignment of one-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide heterotubes

Mei Gea, Fanmin Zengb, Zixuan Wangb, Jiang-Jiang Ma*b and Junfeng Zhang*a
aCollege of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Hainan Normal University, Haikou, 571158, China. E-mail:
bSchool of Physics and Information Engineering, Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan 030031, China. E-mail:

Received 17th August 2024 , Accepted 28th August 2024

First published on 28th August 2024


One-dimensional (1D) van der Waals (vdW) heterotubes, where different kinds of 1D nanotubes coaxially nest inside each other, offer a flexible platform for promising applications. The various properties of these 1D heterotubes depend on their diameter. Here, we present a systematic theoretical investigation into the structural and electronic properties of two kinds of 1D transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterotubes. We demonstrate that the thermodynamic stability of 1D heterotubes is determined by their interlayer distance. Additionally, we establish that the band alignment transition changes from type I to type II in 1D TMD heterotubes. We identify two distinct transition mechanisms, originating from the exchange of either the valence band maximum or the conduction band minimum. According to an electrostatic model, the band alignment transition is attributed to the interlayer electric field effect, which depends on the heterotube diameter. The findings in this work provide valuable physical insights into the band alignment transition in 1D heterotubes and are instrumental for their potential applications in nanotechnology.


Two-dimensional (2D) heterostructures, whether van der Waals (vdW)1 or lateral,2 have attracted significant attention due to their unique physics not observed in conventional 2D materials and devices of various applications.3–9 Despite considerations of symmetry and lattice mismatch, both the transfer approach10 and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods5,11,12 have proven successful in obtaining 2D heterostructures with atomic sharp interfaces and controllable domain sizes. These 2D heterostructures exhibit novel properties that enable the realization of diverse electronic devices, including tunnelling transistors, flexible electronics, photodetectors, photovoltaics, and light-emitting devices.13 Furthermore, considerable efforts have been stirred up for the new class of devices based on 2D–1D14,15 or 1D–1D heterostructures.16–19 The quantum confinement effects within heterotubes make the 1D physics more intriguing.20 As a cylinder rolled up from a 2D sheet, a 1D nanotube can serve as the blocking component for 1D heterotubes. In 1D nanotubes, the curvature breaks the mirror symmetry of the 2D sheet, rendering both the chiral vector and radial size crucial. Therefore, compared with 2D heterostructures, 1D heterotubes offer greater flexibility in tuning the properties and designing new 1D devices.21–25

The most prominent among 1D materials is the carbon nanotube (CNT),26 known for its self-assembling capabilities. Additionally, boron nitride nanotube (BNNT),27–29 TMD NTs,30,31 lead iodide nanotubes (PbI2 NTs)32 and covalent organic frameworks nanotubes (COF NTs),33 are noteworthy carbon-like nanotubes. Particularly interesting thing is the phenomenon observed as the diameter of 1D heterotubes increases: a transition from a straddling to staggered band gap between the inner and outer layer CNTs of 1D heterotubes takes place. This transition has been verified in charge separation in photovoltaic devices.26 By using in situ electron irradiation methods, Arenal et al.28 experimentally synthesized 1D CNT@BNNT heterotubes (where “@” represents “encapsulated in”), providing a material platform for realizing topological, low dissipation CNT nanoelectronics.29 Another investigation by Cao et al.31 demonstrated that 1D CNT-MoS2 heterotubes can function effectively as battery electrodes, exhibiting high specific capacity and low degradation. In the case of PbI2@multiwall CNTs (MWCNTs), both MWCNTs and PbI2 NT demonstrated enhanced conductivity.32 Additionally, COF@CNTs heterotubes exhibited dramatically enhanced catalytic activity, attributed to charge transfer from CNTs, which decreases COF's bandgap and work function.33 Moreover, heterotubes containing more than two components can be fabricated with controllable layer number and diameter size. In these heterotubes, intertube Coulomb interactions play prominent roles in carries transport.34–36 While the experimental synthesis of numerous 2D materials with a wide spectrum of electronic properties has made remarkable progress, the investigation of coaxially stacked 1D heterotubes, composed of different types of 1D counterparts, is still in its early stages. A significant amount of related research remains to be undertaken.

2D TMD vdW heterostructures have been fabricated with controllable domain size, layer number and atomic sharp interface.5,37–39 As a representative example, the 2D MoS2/WS2 vdW heterostructure exhibits a type II band alignment,5 where the conduction band minimum (CBM) of MoS2 aligns with the valence band maximum (VBM) of WS2. This arrangement results in efficient charge separation,6 which makes it highly promising for applications in photovoltaics and optoelectronics.40 Recent efforts have focused on understanding the ultrafast interlayer charge transfer processes in these vdW heterostructures.6,41–46 Additionally, novel physical phenomena such as interlayer excitons, Bose–Einstein condensation, superfluidity, and K–K′ valley dynamics, have garnered significant attention.47 Although TMD tubes have been successfully synthesized,48 and their mechanical and electronic properties have been extensively investigated.49–53 1D TMD heterotubes have been largely overlooked based on our limited knowledge. To fully comprehend the novel physical phenomena and unlock the potential practical applications associated with 1D TMD heterotubes, further research is imperative.

In this work, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of 1D MoS2@WS2 (WS2@MoS2) heterotubes through first-principles calculations. Armchair (ac), zigzag (zz) and chiral heterotubes are considered, with diameters ranging up to ∼4 nm. Initially, the stability of the MoS2 (WS2) NTs and MoS2@WS2 (WS2@MoS2) heterotubes is explored. Subsequently, the band alignment between the inner and outer layer of 1D TMD heterotubes is examined. Finally, the effect of the interlayer electric field between the outer and inner layers is analyzed using an electrostatics model.

Computational details

First-principles calculations were performed using the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP),54 based on density functional theory (DFT).55 We used the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) functional and the projector augmented wave (PAW)56 approach for the exchange–correlation potential and energy. A plane-wave energy cutoff was set to 500 eV. A larger supercell of 60 Å (perpendicular to the NT) was chosen to separate the periodic images. By employing Grimme's semiempirical DFT-D357 scheme, the vdW interactions between the inner and outer layer were included. Atomic structures were fully relaxed until the Feynman–Hellman force on each atom was less than 0.01 eV Å−1. The electronic self-consistent convergence criterion was set at 10−6 eV, and the Brillouin zone was sampled with a K-point mesh density of 0.02 Å58 to ensure accurate calculations. Note that band alignment of the heterotube concerns mainly with the alignment of the electrostatic potentials across the interface, specifically, the long-range electrostatic potential which depends only on the charge distribution. Since DFT is known to yield rather reasonable charge distribution, the difference between PBE and more accurate hybrid functional like HSE06 or G0W0 calculation is expected to be small. Therefore, our current conclusion derived from PBE calculations should be reasonable.

Results and discussion

Thermodynamic stability and electronic properties of single-layer nanotubes

We begin by examining single-layer MoS2 and WS2 NTs. Fig. 1 illustrates the structure of MoS2 NTs with ac and zz edges. MS2 (M = Mo, W) NTs with diameters (D) ranging from 8 to 40 Å were considered. To assess the stability of the NTs relative to their 2D counterparts, we introduce the strain energy (Es) defined as Es (eV per atom) = (EtotEMS2)/N. Here, Etot is the total energy of a MS2 NT, EMS2 is the total energy of the corresponding 2D MS2 sheet with the same number of atoms as the NT, and N donates the total number of atoms in the NT. Fig. 2 shows the plot of Es as a function of D. For both ac and zz MS2 NTs, Es decreases with increasing D. However, for MS2 NTs with D < 12 Å, the large curvature breaks the triple S–M–S structure of the NT, leading to unpredictable Es values. On the other hand, for MS2 NTs with D > 12 Å, Es presents a clear relationship with D, for both MoS2 and WS2 NT. This dependency can be described by Es = a/D2 + b, where “a” is constant related to the tube's curvature and “b” is a constant representing the strain energy caused by other factors, such as stretching or compression. The observed Es behavior of either MoS2 or WS2 NTs follows the a/D2 trend, which is consistent with previous studies.34,59
image file: d4nr03384a-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Schematic structures of (a) ac and (b) zz MoS2 NT.

image file: d4nr03384a-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Strain energy with a function of D in MoS2 (a) and WS2 (b) NTs. The red stars and blue triangles stand for NTs with ac and zz edges, respectively. In the fitting equation (green line), a is 83.8 (100.1) for MoS2 (WS2) and b is 0.148 (−0.035) for MoS2 (WS2).

The electronic properties of MoS2 also vary with D. Fig. 3a and b depict the band structure of zz and ac MoS2 NT with D of 39.08 Å and 38.44 Å, respectively. The energy gap (Eg) for all the considered MS2 NTs is summarized in Fig. 3c and d. Generally, WS2 exhibits a larger Eg compared to MoS2 for the same D. MS2 (zz) with D < 12 Å exhibits semiconducting behavior with Eg approximately 0.7 eV. However, ac MS2 NTs with D < 14.5 Å exhibits metallic properties. For these NTs with larger D, Eg strongly depends on D, consistent with previous reports.59–61 For TMD tube with D smaller than 12 Å, the geometric profile of the tube can hardly be constrained, and the linear dependence between the band gap and diameter does not hold. This behavior is similar to that of Es. In the case of larger D, the Eg of zz NTs exhibits a linear dependence on D, with a periodic fluctuation of (3n) observed for both MoS2 and WS2 NT. This behavior is consistent with similar finding in Carbon NTs and Carbon nanoribbons, owing to Clar's rule.62 With the increasing of D, the band structure of ac MoS2 NTs undergoes an indirect (I) to direct (D) transition. However, ac WS2 NTs are consistently direct, as shown in Fig. 3d. Note that, only direct Eg values at the G point are plotted in Fig. 3.

image file: d4nr03384a-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Band structure of MoS2 zz (a, D = 39.08 Å) and ac (b, D = 38.44 Å) NT. Energy gaps with the function of D in MoS2 (c) and WS2 (d) NTs. The blue stars, red stars and green squares stand for Eg of zz, indirect and direct ac NTs, respectively.

Band alignment of heterotubes

We now explore 1D heterotubes composed of MoS2 and WS2 NTs. As shown in Fig. 4a, the heterotube can be either MoS2@WS2 or WS2@MoS2 with ac or zz edges. We tested the combinations by fixing D of the outer tube. We fixed the chiral vectors of ac and zz outer tubes as integer indices (20, 20) and (30, 0), corresponding to D of 35.01 Å and 30.4 Å, respectively. We can determine the most favorable energic combinations by selecting the inner tube with varies dimeters. Hereby, we define the energy difference (ΔE) as:
ΔE = (EheteroEouterEinner)/NMS2, (1)
where Ehetero, Eouter and Einner are the total energy of the heterotube, isolated outer and inner MS2 tube, NMS2 is the (MS2) number of the outer tube. Fig. 4b and c summarize ΔE of WS2@MoS2 and MoS2@WS2 heterotubes, respectively. Note that smaller inner tubes may be located off-center. However, for larger inner tubes, the preferred location tends to shift towards the center of the outer tube. Therefore, only heterotubes with an inner tube positioned at the center have been included for ΔE in Fig. 4. With the increase of D of the inner tube, ΔE decreases and reaches the minimum when the intertube distance is 6.08 Å for aa and 6.14 Å for AC, respectively. These correspond to the combination with chiral vectors (17, 0)@(30, 0) for zz heterotube, and (13, 13)@(20, 20) for the ac one. Therefore, we fix the intertube distance by selecting the same chiral vector difference for different heterotubes henceforward.

image file: d4nr03384a-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Schematic figure of WS2@MoS2 heterotube from top (upper) and side (lower) views (a), and energy differences with different intertube distances for WS2@MoS2 (b) and MoS2@WS2 (c) heterotubes.

We consider the heterotubes with the outer layer of either MoS2 or WS2, and the outer and inner layer share the same chiral vector type. About 33 heterotubes have been built with the diameters ranging between 20 Å to 40 Å. The thermodynamic stability is determined by the formation energy (Eform), which is defined as:

Eform = (Eouter + EinnerEhetero)/N, (2)
where Ehetero, Eouter and Einner are the same as in eqn (1), N is the total number of atoms in the heterotube supercell. As shown in Fig. 5, Eform of either WS2@MoS2 or MoS2@WS2 is positive and increase with D of the heterotube. Meanwhile, ac heterotubes have lower Eform (with the averaged Eform difference of ∼1.5 meV), indicating that they are generally less stable than zz ones. For the same D, WS2@MoS2 has slightly higher Eform (∼3 meV) than that of MoS2@WS2 heterotube, which is consistent with the nearly identical mechanical properties between MoS2 and WS2 sheet.63 All the diameters of the inner and outer tube can be found in Tables S1 and S2 in the ESI. Because of the computation ability limitation, it is impractical for us to investigate heterotubes with larger D.

image file: d4nr03384a-f5.tif
Fig. 5 Formation energies for WS2@MoS2 (a) and MoS2@WS2 (b) heterotubes with different diameters.

Fig. 6 plots the band alignments of 1D heterotubes for both MoS2@WS2 (Fig. 6a, c and e) and WS2@MoS2 (Fig. 6b, d and f) as a function of D ranging from 26 Å to 39 Å. All band structures for the inner and outer tube of the heterotubes can be found in Fig. S1–S4 in the ESI. Notably, for small D, the inner tube has significant distortion, resulting in a metallic heterotube. Additionally, an indirect-to-direct band transition is observed in ac heterotubes as D increases. Consequently, band alignments caused by both indirect (Fig. 6a and b) and direct (Fig. 6c and d) band structure are considered. The difference is that, the direct band gap in 1D heterotubes is larger than the indirect one. In summary, the transition of band alignment from type I to type II can be achieved through increase the size of both ac and zz WS2@MoS2 (MoS2@WS2) heterotubes.

image file: d4nr03384a-f6.tif
Fig. 6 Band alignment of MoS2@WS2 (a and b) and WS2@MoS2 (c and d) heterotubes with the increase of D. Type I and II band offsets have been highlighted by cyan and light coral, respectively.

We also investigated 1D chiral MoS2@WS2 (WS2@MoS2) heterotubes. Typically, chiral nanotubes result in a larger supercell size compared to the ac or zz types. Considering the limitations of the computational capabilities, we have selected chiral MoS2 and WS2 tubes with the chiral index of (41) as representative components for constructing 1D heterotubes, with varying D of 26.83 Å, 31.34 Å, 35.88 Å and 40.42 Å. Fig. S5 and S6 plotted the band structures of (41) chiral WS2@MoS2 and MoS2@WS2 heterotubes. Accordingly, we can obtain the band positions near the Fermi lever of the inner and outer layer components for (41, 41) TMD heterotubes with varying D. As illustrated in Fig. 7, type I band alignment is observed for both the chiral WS2@MoS2 and MoS2@WS2 heterotubes with a D of 26.83 Å. With the increase in D, the difference in both CBM and VBM band position between the inner and outer tubes decrease. For heterotubes with a D of 40.42 Å, the inner and outer tube contribute almost equally to the VBM. Meanwhile, the difference in CBM band position between the inner and outer tube for heterotube with D of 40.42 Å is smaller than for the heterotube with D of 26.83 Å. Type II band alignment has not been observed in either WS2@MoS2 or MoS2@WS2 heterotubes; however, it may be anticipated in heterotubes with larger D, according to the observed tends in band position difference.

image file: d4nr03384a-f7.tif
Fig. 7 Band alignment of chiral (41, 41) WS2@MoS2 (a) and MoS2@WS2 (b) heterotubes with the increase of D.

The transition in band alignment between MoS2@WS2 and WS2@MoS2 heterotubes arises from different origins. As shown in Fig. 6, the transition of band alignment type in MoS2@WS2 heterotubes results from the exchange of the VBM between the inner MoS2 tube and the outer WS2 tube. Conversely, in WS2@MoS2 heterotubes, the exchange of the CBM between the inner WS2 tube and the outer MoS2 tube leads to the band alignment type transition. Taking the example of 1D zz WS2@MoS2 heterotube, Fig. 8 illustrates the band structures for various D values, i.e. curvature of the tube. With an increase in D, a significant elevation of the WS2 CBM is observed, indicating the onset of a band alignment type transition. The dependence of band alignment on diameter, as demonstrated here, is consistent with previous findings in CNTs 1D heterotubes.26 In the 1D heterotube, the curvature of the inner and outer tube decreases with different rates. This is one reason for the transition of band alignment in heterotubes with the increase of D. In heterotubes with a larger D, as shown in Fig. 6, the WS2 tube possesses a higher CBM and VBM compared to MoS2. Consequently, both electron and hole carriers are localized within the WS2 tube, which corresponds to the type II band alignment. Thus, the band alignment type in 1D MoS2@WS2 (or WS2@MoS2) heterotube with a large D is similar to that in 2D vdW MoS2/WS2 heterosturcture.5

image file: d4nr03384a-f8.tif
Fig. 8 Band structures of zz type WS2@MoS2 heterotubes with different D.

Electrostatic model of heterotubes

When 2D TMD sheets are bent to form 1D nanotubes, there is a significant charge redistribution that remold the inner electric field. Consequently, the positions of the VBM or CBM shift. To gain further insights into the impact of the inner electric field, we construct an electrostatic model. As depicted in Fig. 9a, the charged atoms within the 1D TMD heterotube can be conceptualized as the charged cylinders with different radii. In accordance with Gauss’ law, the electric field E is zero inside and 2/r outside the charged cylinder, where K is the Coulomb constant and r is the line charge density of the cylinder. Therefore, inside the 1D TMD heterotube (Fig. 9a):
image file: d4nr03384a-t1.tif(3)
where rS1 (rS2, rS3, or rS4) denotes the radius of the first (second, third, or fourth) S atom layer, rM1 (rM2) presents the radius of the first (second) metal atom layer (as labeled in Fig. 9a), ρS1 (ρS3, ρM1, ρM2) presents the line charge density of the first S atom (third S atom, first and second metal atom) layer. We assume that the charge transfer between the TMD tubes can be neglected, such that ρM1 + ρS1 + ρS2 = 0 and ρM2 + ρS3 + ρS4 = 0. Consequently, we can calculate the electrostatic potential difference between the Mo and W layers as:
image file: d4nr03384a-t2.tif(4)
where e is the elementary charge. From Bader analysis, we can obtain ρS1 (ρS3, ρM1) of the 1D TMD heterotube with various D. Taking the 1D zz WS2@MoS2 heterotube as an example, we have calculated the eΔU as shown in Fig. 9b. In general, except for those with small D (<13 Å), eΔU decreases with increasing D, and converges to 0.25 eV with infinite D. This kind of D dependent eΔU is another reason for the transition of band alignment from type I to type II. The 1D zz WS2@MoS2 heterotube with infinite D can be seen as a 2D WS2/MoS2 heterostucture, with eΔU arising from the parallel plane electric field. Similar behavior can be expected for other 1D heterotubes.

image file: d4nr03384a-f9.tif
Fig. 9 Electrostatic model for the 1D TMD heterotube. (a) Structure model of the 1D TMD heterotube. (b) eΔU with the functional of D for 1D zz WS2@MoS2 heterotube from eqn (4).


In summary, by using first-principles calculations, we performed a systematic investigation on the thermodynamic stability and electronic properties of the 1D WS2@MoS2 (MoS2@WS2) heterotubes. Our calculations demonstrate that the heterotube is more stable when the intertube distance is approximately 6.08 Å for zz and 6.14 Å for ac edges, respectively. Additionally, we revealed that both 1D MoS2@WS2 and WS2@MoS2 heterotubes undergo a band alignment type transition from type I to type II. This transition is attributed to the exchange of the VBM in 1D MoS2@WS2 heterotubes, but the exchange of the CBM in WS2@MoS2 heterotubes. Furthermore, employing an electrostatic model, we demonstrated a reduction in the electrostatic potential difference between the inner and outer tubes, as the heterotube diameter increases.

Author contributions

M. G. conceptualization, writing—review & editing, funding acquisition. F. Z. writing—original draft preparation, designing and performing the DFT calculations. Z. W. investigation, software. J. M. conceptualization, software. J. Z. conceptualization, project administration, funding acquisition.

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, [J. Z.], upon reasonable request.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number: 12074235) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi province (grant number: 202103021223252).


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