School of Chemical Sciences and Advanced Materials Research Center, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Kamand, Mandi 175075, Himachal Pradesh, India. E-mail: vkn@iitmandi.ac.in
First published on 2nd August 2024
Plastic waste management is a huge challenge in today's world wherein polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is one of the major contributors. Chemical upcycling of plastic waste into valuable chemicals is one of the most effective methods for plastic waste management. In this work, multivalent cobalt nanoparticles supported on silica were used as a heterogeneous catalyst for the methanolysis of PET under mild reaction conditions, wherein PET was converted into dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) as the major product in the presence of methanol. In this PET methanolysis process, the effects of various reaction parameters, such as reaction time, temperature, cobalt loading on silica and catalyst amount on the conversion of PET and the yield of DMT were investigated. The developed catalyst results in significantly high DMT yield and PET conversion under mild reaction conditions. To investigate the heterogeneous nature of the developed catalyst, recyclability studies were performed which show excellent reusability with good conversion and product yield. Thus, multivalent cobalt nanoparticles supported on silica have the advantage of good conversion efficiency, high product yield, nontoxicity, excellent recyclability, and ease of separation for the methanolysis of PET. This work is anticipated to open new avenues in the field of plastic upcycling.
Research on chemical upcycling of PET has increased because of recent developments and widespread attention towards plastic waste management. Hongkailers et al.26 developed an alternate method for recycling PET trash through hydrodeoxygenation utilizing a Co/TiO2 catalyst which involves transforming polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into arenes in the presence of hydrogen with 79% yield. Methanolysis of waste PET is performed at a wide range of temperatures and pressures to produce dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) and ethylene glycol. DMT can be easily refined and converted into other feedstocks for the manufacturing of PET or it can be hydrogenated to produce higher value chemicals like dimethyl cyclohexane dicarboxylate (DMCD),27,28 and p-xylene.29 Sako et al. reported the depolymerization of PET using supercritical methanol with 94% DMT yield at 400 °C and 40 MPa pressure.30 Kurokawa et al. reported the methanolysis of PET using an aluminum triisopropoxide (AIP) catalyst at 200 °C using a mixture of toluene and methanol as a solvent which yields 88% and 87% of DMT and ethylene glycol, respectively.31 Use of ionic liquid as a cosolvent for the alcoholysis of PET with isooctyl alcohol at 200 °C for 5 h to produce 93.1% dioctyl terephthalate by using zinc acetate as a catalyst was reported by Chen et al.32 A report of Mishra et al. presented the use of ZnC4H6O4 and Pb(C2H3O2)2 as catalysts to produce 97.8% and 100% DMT yield, respectively, at a temperature range of 120 °C–140 °C.33 Similarly, Lalhmangaihzuala et al. reported synthesized orange peel ash coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles for the depolymerization of PET at 200 °C.34 Tang et al. showed the methanolysis of PET using a MgO/NaY catalyst where the DMT and ethylene glycol yield of 99% and 91% was obtained at 200 °C.35 Nevertheless, the majority of metal inorganic and metallic oxide catalysts suffer from inadequate stability or insufficient catalytic activity. Ionic liquids show good catalytic activity but are difficult to separate from the reaction mixture which ultimately reduces the products' purity. Thus, there exists an essential and urgent need to design a catalyst with high stability, high catalytic activity, and simple separation.
The above-mentioned reports suggest that to obtain a high yield of DMT, the reactions were performed under very high temperature and pressure conditions. Therefore, to shorten the reaction time, and to lower the temperature and pressure conditions, metal-based catalysts have gained a lot of attention recently. In this work, highly efficient heterogeneous Co–SiO2 catalysts with different cobalt loadings having high surface area and high catalytic activity were synthesized and tested for the methanolysis of PET under mild conditions. Herein, multivalent Co nanoparticles were synthesized and supported on SiO2 using a facile hydrothermal method. As it is well known, transition metal catalysts are essential components of nearly every catalysis application and are considered as an affordable alternative to expensive metal-based catalysts. Among them, cobalt is extensively used in almost all fields of catalysis. The partially filled d-orbitals of cobalt provides an optimum interaction to the reactant arriving on the surface of the catalyst by making bonds which are neither too strong nor too weak to facilitate the easy adsorption of reactants and desorption of products. In addition to this, cobalt exhibits multiple valence states (elemental, Co2+, Co3+) which facilitate easier composite formation with supports. Here, SiO2 was chosen as a support due to its high surface area, cost effectiveness, ease of availability and porosity. To confirm the successful synthesis of the catalyst, various characterization techniques were used. Subsequently, the catalyst was used for the methanolysis of PET. Detailed optimization studies of the reaction were carried out using Co–SiO2 catalysts and it was observed that the best Co–SiO2 catalyst gives 100% PET conversion and 97% DMT yield. Another important objective of this work was to upcycle waste PET under greener reaction conditions. The reactions were carried out using a minimum amount of catalyst, mild temperature and pressure conditions. In addition, a gram scale reaction was also performed using 5 g of PET to check its potential industrial applicability. Furthermore, the recyclability studies show the good stability and high reactivity of the catalyst up to five cycles. Therefore, Co–SiO2 being a non-noble metal based heterogeneous catalyst provides a sustainable and greener approach for performing methanolysis of PET.
To examine the crystal structure of the catalysts, powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) measurements were carried out. Fig. 1a shows the characteristic PXRD patterns for Co NPs, SiO2 and Co–SiO2. The diffraction peaks (2θ) at 41.74°, 44.44°, 47.44°, 75.88°, and 84.06° correspond to the (100), (002), (101), (110) and (103) facets of metallic cobalt in the hexagonal phase (P63/mmc, a = b = 2.50 Å, c = 4.06 Å, JCPDS no. 00-001-1278).38 The weak diffraction peak (2θ) at 62.70° corresponds to the (103) facet of the hexagonal phase of CoO (P63/mc, a = b = 3.21 Å, c = 5.24 Å, JCPDS no. 00-089-2803).38 The broad peak located at 2θ = 22.68° corresponds to amorphous SiO2.39 After the incorporation of Co NPs onto the surface of SiO2, Co–SiO2 shows a broad diffraction peak for SiO2 at 22.68° and all peaks for hcp-Co at 41.74°, 44.44°, 47.44°, 75.88°, and 84.06° and hcp-CoO at 62.70°. The XRD pattern with different cobalt loadings of the Co–SiO2 catalyst are shown in Fig. S2 (refer to the ESI†). All the four catalysts show a diffraction peak at 2θ = 22.68° which corresponds to the amorphous silica and the peaks at 41.74°, 44.44°, 47.44°, 75.88°, and 84.06° correspond to the hexagonal phase of cobalt and 62.70° for hcp CoO; all of them remain the same after the incorporation of Co NPs onto the surface of SiO2. It is also observed that upon increasing the amount of Co NP loading on silica from 5% to 20%, the intensity of cobalt peaks has also increased. Fig. 1b shows the FTIR spectra of SiO2 and Co–SiO2 catalysts. The peaks between 1300 and 400 cm−1 clearly show the presence of Si–O–Si and Si–OH vibration modes.40 The peaks at 1084 cm−1 and 462 cm−1 signifies the presence of asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibration modes of Si–O–Si bonds, respectively, and the peak at 796 cm−1 corresponds to the Si–OH vibration mode of SiO2 and Co–SiO2 catalysts.41 The thermal stability of the as-synthesized catalysts was investigated using TGA analysis and the obtained results are shown in Fig. S3 (refer to the ESI†). Co NPs show good thermal stability up to 400 °C. The initial weight loss at 200 °C is due to the physisorbed water, after which a slight increase in weight is observed which is attributed to the oxidation of metallic cobalt which was confirmed by examining the residue collected from TGA using PXRD analysis. The PXRD plot of the TGA residue is shown in Fig. S4 (refer to the ESI†) which confirms the formation of CoO (Fm3m, a = b = c = 4.25 Å, JCPDS no. 01-074-2392) due to the oxidation of cobalt at higher temperature.42 The TGA plot of SiO2 shows initial weight loss up to 100 °C, which is due to the evaporation of adsorbed water molecules. Furthermore, Co–SiO2 also shows high thermal stability up to 550 °C, after that the weight gain is observed which is due to the oxidation of cobalt content present in the Co–SiO2 catalyst. The weight loss for Co–SiO2 starting from room temperature is due to the dehydration of physisorbed water from the surface of SiO2. It is observed that the oxidation temperature of Co NPs in Co–SiO2 is substantially higher than that of the pure Co NPs. This suggests that SiO2 significantly enhances the thermal stability of Co NPs.
Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission emission spectroscopy (TEM), the morphology of the as-synthesized catalyst was examined. The SEM images of Co–SiO2 show an aggregate-like morphology as depicted in Fig. 2a–c. The TEM images of Co–SiO2 are shown in Fig. 2d–g which show the particle-like morphology of SiO2 and the distribution of Co NPs over the surface of SiO2. It was observed that the supported Co NPs were present in the form of agglomerated nanoparticles as no capping agent was used in the synthesis procedure. The lattice fringe spacing measurements are shown in Fig. 2g which reveals a d-spacing of 0.23 nm corresponding to the (100) lattice plane, which is in close agreement with the PXRD studies. Fig. 2h and i show the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) image and line profile image of Co–SiO2 which were used to calculate the lattice fringes for Co NPs present on the surface of SiO2, which also indicates a d-spacing value of 0.23 nm. The average particle sizes of Co NPs before and after their deposition onto the surface of SiO2 were calculated to be 25.30 nm and 25.67 nm, respectively, as shown in Fig. S5 (refer to the ESI†) which are similar.
Fig. 2 (a–c) SEM images, (d–g) TEM images, (h and i) IFFT (inset FFT) and line profile imaging of the Co–SiO2 catalyst. |
XPS studies were carried out to examine the chemical species present on the surface of the catalyst. The atomic composition of the constituent elements present in the catalyst are shown in Table S1 (refer to the ESI†). The survey spectra of XPS (Fig. 3a) clearly show the presence of Co, Si, and O elements in the sample. High resolution spectra of cobalt, silicon and oxygen were investigated to know the chemical states of all the elements. The binding energy measured for each element has been corrected using the adventitious C 1s peak at 284.8 eV as a reference and the C 1s spectra for Co NP, SiO2 and Co–SiO2 are provided in Fig. S6 (refer to the ESI†). High resolution Co 2p spectra of Co NPs are split into two spin-orbit coupled state peaks, which are Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2 (as shown in Fig. 3b). The peak at 778.2 eV is assigned to the Co(0) 2p3/2 state and the peak at 793.1 eV is assigned to the Co(0) 2p1/2 state which matches well with the results of PXRD analysis.43,44 The peaks at 779.4 eV and 794.2 eV are attributed to the Co(III) state whereas the peaks at 782.1 eV and 796.8 eV are assigned to the Co(II) state.45 The two satellite peaks are observed at 786.5 eV and 802.6 eV. High resolution Co 2p spectra of Co–SiO2 also split into two spin-orbit coupled state peaks of Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2. The peaks at 778.3 eV and 793.2 eV are assigned to the Co(0) 2p3/2 and Co(0) 2p1/2 state, respectively. The peaks at 781.2 eV and 796.7 eV are attributed to the Co(III) state whereas the peaks at 785.1 eV and 801.1 eV are assigned to the Co(II) state and the two satellite peaks are also observed at 788.6 eV and 804.2 eV. After the incorporation of Co NPs onto the surface of silica, the peaks of Co 2p spectra of Co–SiO2 are shifted to a higher binding energy. The electron deficient environment of Co atoms supported on silica surface accounts for the peak shift to a higher binding energy. For further clarification, the peak table showing different peaks of Co 2p in Co NPs and Co–SiO2 catalysts is presented in Table S2 (refer to the ESI†). The Si 2p high resolution spectra for SiO2 and Co–SiO2 are shown in Fig. 3c. A broad peak at a binding energy of 103.3 eV is observed in the case of SiO2, which takes into consideration the two spin-orbit coupled peaks, which are Si 2p3/2 and Si 2p1/2.46 The obtained spectrum can be fitted into a single peak as the coupled peaks could not be unequivocally separated due to their close proximity. With the incorporation of cobalt onto the surface of SiO2 the Si 2p peak is slightly shifted to a higher binding energy i.e., 103.6 eV. This could be due to the electronic interaction of Co NPs with SiO2.47 The O 1s spectra of SiO2 are deconvoluted into two peaks having binding energies of 532.3 eV and 532.9 eV (Fig. 3d). The peak at 532.3 eV is attributed to the surface lattice oxygen species and the peak at 532.9 eV is assigned to the surface adsorbed oxygen species.48 With the incorporation of cobalt onto the surface of SiO2, the O 1s peak shifts towards higher binding energy values. This might be due to the change in the bonding environment of the oxygen atom as the cobalt interacts with the outer surface layer of the SiO2 support.
Fig. 3 (a) XPS survey of Co NPs, SiO2 and Co–SiO2, (b) Co 2p spectra of Co NPs and Co–SiO2, (c) Si 2p spectra of SiO2 and Co–SiO2 and (d) O 1s spectra of SiO2 and the Co–SiO2 catalyst. |
The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) measurements were performed to determine the surface area and pore size of the developed catalysts and the obtained results are shown in Fig. 4. In the case of SiO2, the isotherm can be classified as a type-IV isotherm having an H3 hysteresis loop as per the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) classification.45,49 The Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) plot of the material describes its pore size distribution, and the linear fitting of multipoint BET data provides the surface area of the material. SiO2 shows a surface area of about 170.5 m2 g−1. Co–SiO2 also shows a type-IV isotherm having an H3 hysteresis loop which indicates that the SiO2 structure is retained after the incorporation of cobalt onto its surface. The BJH plots showing the average pore size distribution of SiO2 and Co–SiO2 were within the range of 2–25 nm which signifies the presence of mesopores in the catalysts. The multipoint BET of Co–SiO2 obtained from the linear fitting of nitrogen adsorption–desorption data and its surface area turned out to be 127.1 m2 g−1. The surface area of Co–SiO2 is decreased as compared to the support, SiO2, due to the incorporation of Co NPs.
Fig. 4 (a and b) N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms, (c and d) BJH pore size distribution and (e and f) BET surface area plots for Co–SiO2 and SiO2. |
To investigate the surface acidic and basic properties of the Co–SiO2 catalyst, NH3-TPD and CO2-TPD analysis were performed, and the obtained plots are shown in Fig. S7.†29 The basic sites were examined using a CO2 gas probe, and the acidic sites were examined using an NH3 gas probe. The gases were adsorbed onto the surface of the catalyst and as the temperature increased the desorption of gases occurred. These desorbed gases were then quantified to calculate the amount of acidic and basic sites present in the catalyst. The amounts of acidic and basic sites present in SiO2 were found to be 1.247 and 1.627 mmol g−1, respectively. The amount of basic sites present on the surface is due to the presence of hydroxyl groups on the surface and the amount of acidic sites is due to the vacant d-orbital present in the Si atoms.50 The overall acidity and basicity of the catalyst increases after the incorporation of Co NP onto the surface of SiO2. The amounts of acidic and basic sites present in Co–SiO2 catalyst were found to be 2.292 and 2.616 mmol g−1, respectively. For the NH3-TPD profile of SiO2 and Co–SiO2, two desorption peaks in the temperature range of 450–600 °C and 650–750 °C were assigned to the desorption of NH3 on medium and strong acidic sites. For the CO2-TPD profile of SiO2 and Co–SiO2, three desorption peaks were observed in the temperature range of 150–250 °C, 420–630 °C, and 650–750 °C, and were assigned to the weak, medium, and strong basic sites, respectively.
Various optimization studies as mentioned above were performed to arrive at the optimal reaction conditions. The best optimized reaction conditions show 100% conversion of PET (substrate) having a 97% yield of DMT (product). Fig. 5a shows the effect of metal loading on the conversion of PET and DMT yield of the reaction. During the optimization process, in the first step, the reaction was carried out using different amounts (5 wt%, 10 wt%, 15 wt% and 20 wt%) of Co NP loading on SiO2 to obtain the corresponding Co–SiO2 catalysts. It was observed that with the increase in Co NP loading, both the PET conversion and the DMT yield increased substantially. As shown in Fig. 5a, the conversion of PET with 5 wt% Co loading on SiO2 is 80% and then increases to 100% with 10 wt%, 15 wt% and 20 wt% Co NP loading. Simultaneously, the yield of DMT was determined to be 73% (with 5 wt% loading), 92% (with 10 wt% loading), 93% (with 15 wt% loading) and 97% (with 20 wt% loading). This enhanced activity is due to the fact that with the increase in the amount of Co NP loading, the number of active sites on the catalyst increases. This indicates that 20 wt% loading is considered as the optimum metal loading on silica and this sample was utilized for subsequent optimization studies. The effect of catalyst amount (Fig. 5b) on the reaction was studied by varying the amount of catalyst in the reaction. The catalyst amount was varied between 70 mg and 100 mg, where 100 mg of catalyst gives 100% PET conversion with 97% DMT yield. When the amount of catalyst was 70 mg, the PET conversion and DMT yield were 90% and 76%, respectively. The amount of catalyst was then increased to 80 mg, and the PET conversion and DMT yield were also increased to 92% and 88%, respectively. With a further increase in the catalyst amount (90 mg), the PET conversion and DMT yield was also increased to 97% and 90%, respectively, and finally with 100 mg of catalyst, the PET conversion and DMT yield increased to 100% and 97%, respectively.
Later, to study the effect of temperature on the reaction, the temperature was varied between 150 and 180 °C (Fig. 5c), and it was observed that at 170 °C, PET was completely converted to DMT. At 150 °C, the conversion of PET was only 80% which drastically increased to 100% at 170 °C. This is because methanolysis is an endothermic process which causes the reaction rate to increase substantially as the temperature rises. At lower temperature, the PET conversion and DMT yield were low and increased when the temperature increased to 160 °C where the PET conversion was 82% with 72% DMT yield. The PET conversion and DMT yield increased to 100% and 97%, respectively, when the temperature was increased to 170 °C. However, when the temperature was further increased to 180 °C, there was no significant increase in DMT yield. The aforementioned results indicate that a mildly high temperature is helpful to increase the PET conversion and eventually the DMT yield.
The reaction time also plays a crucial role in the reaction. To study its impact, the reaction was carried out at different time periods between 2 h and 8 h with 100 mg of Co–SiO2 catalyst at 170 °C temperature (Fig. 5d). A DMT yield of 55% was obtained within 2 h and the yield increased from 55% to 97% within the next few hours. When the reaction was performed for 4 h, the PET conversion was 95% and 81% DMT was obtained. With a further increase in reaction time to 6 h and 8 h, full conversion of PET was observed with DMT yields of 97% and 96%, respectively. From the obtained results, one can conclude that 100 mg of 20 wt% Co–SiO2 catalyst and 6 h reaction time at 170 °C are the best suited reaction conditions for the methanolysis of PET. In addition, control reactions were also performed using Co NPs and SiO2 and without using any catalyst (refer to ESI;† section S3). With Co NPs alone, although the PET conversion was 100%, only 92% DMT yield was observed. When the reaction was carried out with SiO2, the PET conversion and DMT yield were only 26% and 15%, respectively, indicating that SiO2 primarily serves as a support which provides a high surface area for the active reaction sites. The reaction did not proceed when it was performed without using any catalyst. This implies that the catalyst plays a crucial role in the catalytic conversion of PET to DMT.
The developed reaction protocols were tested for plastics obtained from other types of PET bottles, including colored ones, under optimal reaction conditions to check the applicability of the designed reaction parameters. It was observed that the colorless PET plastics gave higher DMT yield as compared to the colored PET plastics as shown in Table 1. The highest yield of 97% was obtained in the case of colorless plastic which decreases to 94% when the plastic is green colored. Similarly, the DMT yield was 93% and 94% when methanolysis of yellow-colored plastics and mixed plastics were carried out, respectively. This could be attributed to the presence of additives in the colored plastic, which remain in the liquid phase and do not alter the DMT purity and catalyst reusability. This is also advantageous from a techno-economic perspective as there is no need to separate colored and colorless plastics beforehand which decreases the cost of separation of plastic waste. The reaction scheme for colored PET bottles is shown in Fig. S8 (refer to the ESI†) to provide valuable insights into the process applicability and catalyst reusability.
To check its potential industrial application, a gram scale reaction was also performed as shown in Scheme 3. The reaction was performed by using 5 g of PET wherein a DMT yield of 97% was observed with 100% PET conversion which exactly matches the DMT yield obtained using 1 g of PET. This result shows the applicability of the Co–SiO2 catalyst for large scale conversion of PET.
The control reactions were carried out to comprehend the role of the acidic and basic sites present in the Co–SiO2 catalyst. Pyridine and benzoic acid were used as quenchers for the acidic and basic sites, respectively, as shown in Fig. S9 (refer to the ESI†). As shown in TPD investigations, Co–SiO2 contains both acidic and basic sites. The model reaction was severely hindered by the addition of benzoic acid, which quenched the basic sites present in the catalyst yielding only 8% DMT. The addition of pyridine also had an impact on the progress of the reaction and because it quenched the acidic sites, the DMT yield was reduced to 40%. This shows that Co–SiO2 predominantly acts as a mildly basic catalyst for the methanolysis of PET. It is well known that PET first gets converted into its oligomers, which then gets converted into 2-hydroxyethyl methyl terephthalate (MHET) and finally to dimethyl terephthalate (DMT).52–55 Based on relevant literature reports52–55 and experimental results, a plausible reaction mechanism for PET methanolysis using Co–SiO2 as a basic catalyst is proposed in Scheme 4. Co–SiO2 functions as a base catalyst, providing methanol sufficient adsorption sites to transform into a more nucleophilic and catalytically active species. This allows methanol's oxygen to attack the carbonyl carbon of PET. After that the ester bond breaks, forming a new C–O bond between the methanol's oxygen and the carbonyl carbon of PET which leads to the formation of oligomers which are finally converted into a DMT monomer as the major product.
Fig. 6 (a) Recyclability study using the Co–SiO2 catalyst, (b) PXRD pattern of fresh and recovered Co–SiO2 catalysts after 5 cycles of methanolysis of PET. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4cy00468j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |