Selective growth of vanadium dioxide on patterned Al/SiO2 substrates by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition

E. K. Bagochus*a, S. V. Mutilina, V. N. Kichayb and L. V. Yakovkinab
aRzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, 13 Lavrentiev Aven, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia. E-mail:
bNikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, 3 Lavrentiev Aven, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

Received 1st April 2024 , Accepted 6th August 2024

First published on 7th August 2024


The area-selective growth of vanadium dioxide can provide a valuable self-aligned process promising for novel oxide electronics compatible with silicon technology. In the present paper, vanadium dioxide films were grown by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition on micrometer-scale patterned Al/SiO2 substrates. The synthesis conditions, such as substrate temperature and precursor concentration in the reaction zone, were varied to achieve area-selective growth control. The results show that as the synthesis temperature increases and the precursor concentration in the gas phase decreases, the surface concentration of VO2 crystallite nuclei on the SiO2 surface decreases until the nucleation process ceases completely. At the same time, the VO2 film continues to grow on the aluminum surface. The growth rate dependence on the precursor concentration in the gas phase, on the growth temperature and on the growth time is investigated. A detailed analysis using scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy allowed us to construct a qualitative model of selective synthesis of VO2 based on the differences in the nucleation kinetics on different substrate surfaces. From the results of X-ray diffraction analysis and temperature resistivity measurements, it is shown that the quality of the obtained films depends on the synthesis temperature and, practically, does not depend on the precursor concentration in the gas phase. The obtained results provide a better understanding of the area-selective VO2 structure growth and can be applied in oxide electronics compatible with modern complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor processes.


Vanadium dioxide (VO2) has attracted significant attention in recent years because of its reversible insulator to metal phase transition (IMT) at near-room temperature.1 The phase transition can be induced by external stimuli, such as an electric field, optical pumping or heat.2,3 The proximity of the phase transition to room temperature, along with a change in resistivity of up to five orders of magnitude, makes VO2 a particularly interesting material for practical applications, e.g. as a switch in optical waveguides,4 memristor devices,5,6 thermal sensors and thermochromic coatings,7,8 and Mott transistors9 and in neuromorphic circuits.10 There is a growing interest in integrating a functionally rich VO2 material onto silicon substrates. VO2 film synthesis on silicon substrates has been a topic of interest for several years due to its potential for incorporation of functional oxide electronic devices with silicon integrated circuits. This is due to the need for increased information processing speed and energy efficiency which are the current challenges in modern electronics and photonics. However, the direct synthesis of polycrystalline VO2 films on the surface of various materials, followed by lithographic operation steps involving interactions with oxygen and water, as well as temperature treatment, can significantly degrade the film quality and uniformity.11

Area selective deposition is a technique that has become increasingly popular in the micro- and nanoelectronic industry due to its ability to eliminate costly lithography steps and reduce the number of edge placement errors.12 Selectivity is achieved by organizing the growth process in such a way as to promote deposition on the substrate and prevent deposition on the mask, or vice versa. Area-selective deposition can be achieved by chemical vapour deposition (CVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD) and molecular layer deposition (MLD).13–20 One of the most promising methods for the selective synthesis of structures is chemical vapour deposition. Selectivity can be achieved through the catalytic effect of free electrons on the growth material surface,21 different adsorption/desorption rates22 and different surface diffusion rates.23 Additional factors, such as mask shape and surface diffusion,24 can also affect the nucleation process. Approaches involving the area-selective growth of VO2 micro- and nanostructures, as well as single nanocrystals on silicon substrates, showed promising results.25 However, the mechanisms leading to the effects of selective VO2 structure synthesis on heterogeneous surfaces remain unexplored. In this regard, it is important to determine the processes responsible for the kinetics of selective VO2 nucleation, which include characterizing the nucleation density on heterogeneous surfaces and determining the nucleation rate and the film growth rate at these sites. One of the principal challenges is to define the conditions necessary for area-selective synthesis, which should yield a minimal (or indeed zero) density of nuclei on the non-growing surface.

A method for the efficient area-selective CVD synthesis of VO2 films on the surface of aluminium (Al) pads using silicon dioxide (SiO2) as a masking material is described in this paper. Aluminium was chosen for selective CVD due to its wide application in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuits and its potential in such fields like optics and electronics. The proposed method allows for the formation of micro- and nanostructures of VO2 on a Si substrate during the synthesis process, without subsequent lithography and, accordingly, processing in chemically aggressive environments. The obtained results will be valuable for developing methods to form micro- and nanostructures using the area-selective deposition of vanadium oxide that is compatible with the CMOS technology.


Vanadium oxide films were synthesized using metal–organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) in a horizontal two-zone hot-wall tubular reactor (Fig. 1). The reactor pressure was kept constant at 2 torr. Argon was used both as a carrier and diluent gas, while oxygen served as an oxidizing agent. The gas flows were regulated using mass flow meters. The precursor employed was vanadyl acetylacetonate (VO(acac)2) which was heated to 145 °C. The samples, measuring approximately 1 × 1 cm2, were placed on an inclined (about 37°) metal substrate holder, in order to achieve a uniform film thickness along the substrate.26–28 The temperature in the reaction zone was maintained between 450 and 530 °C, and the synthesis duration ranged from 5 to 60 min, depending on the experimental conditions.
image file: d4ce00315b-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a two-zone horizontal MOCVD reactor for the VO2 film synthesis.

The concentration of the precursor in the reaction region was altered by adjusting the ratio of F1 and F2 flows that represent the carrier gas and diluent gas, respectively (Fig. 1). It is important to note that changing only the carrier gas flow would result in a change in the reactor pressure and overall gas dynamics in the substrate region. Therefore, the total gas flow rate in all experiments was constant at 190 standard cubic centimetres per minute (sccm). In the following, to determine some experimental conditions, we will use the parameter “carrier gas fraction”, determined as:

image file: d4ce00315b-t1.tif(1)

As the ratio n decreases, the volume concentration of the precursor in the reactor also decreases. Determining the exact relation between the carrier gas fraction and the precursor volume concentration is a challenging task. The precursor vapours under our experimental conditions are not saturated, and the presence of hot reactor walls makes it difficult to account for the effects of precipitation and evaporation of precursor reaction products. In this work, the fractions of carrier gas n presented in Table 1 were considered.

Table 1 Gas flow combinations used
Carrier gas fraction, n Argon flow through the evaporator, F1 (Ar+ VO(acac)2), sccm Argon flow directly into the reactor, F2 (Ar), sccm Oxygen flow directly into the reactor, F3 (O2), sccm
0.23 30 100 60
0.5 65 65 60
1.0 130 0 60

The VO2 film synthesis was carried out on three types of substrates: a) silicon wafers (100) with a 300 nm thick thermal oxide layer, b) silicon wafers (100) with a 300 nm thick thermal oxide layer over which a 70 nm thick continuous aluminium layer was deposited by magnetron sputtering and c) silicon wafers (100) with a lithographic pattern consisting of a SiO2 substrate and Al pads. The feature sizes in the photolithographic pattern ranged from 10 to 1000 μm. Type a and b substrates were used for the composition analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and measurement of VO2 film thickness and electric resistivity. Type c wafers were obtained from type b wafers by photolithography followed by selective mask etching of aluminium in 10% orthophosphoric acid. The effects of area-selective synthesis were investigated on the type c substrates.

The morphology of the formed structures was analysed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) JEOL-ISM-6700F and Tescan Vega3 at electron beam energies ranging from 2 to 15 kV. Additionally, an atomic force microscope (AFM) Solver P47 Pro (NT-MDT, Russia) was used to study the surface morphology. AFM measurements were performed in the semi-contact mode using HA_HR silicon cantilevers (TipsNano, Russia) with a needle radius of approximately 10 nm. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to examine the formed structures using a Tescan Vega3 microscope equipped with an Oxford X-Max microanalysis system. Thickness measurements were performed by measuring the step height on the AFM and by analysing the intensity of the film/substrate peaks on the EDS spectra. For the multipoint film thickness measurement, the EDS spectrum analysis was used following the technique described in ref. 29. The surface was irradiated with an electron beam with an energy of 10 keV. At this energy, the X-ray generation region has a depth of approximately 1 μm. In this case, the film and substrate lines will be present in the spectrum. As the film thickness increases, the ratio of film/substrate peak intensities will increase. To calibrate the method, we measured several substrates with known thicknesses and interpolated the a curve of the film/substrate spectral ratio (k) versus VO2 film thickness (d) (see Fig. S1–S4 in the ESI). The material was irradiated using a defocused beam with a diameter of approximately 50 μm, allowing for the measurement of the average thickness over this area. This enabled the estimation of the relative thickness of the material in areas where the film was not continuous.

The crystal structure of films and nanocrystals was investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) on a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer (Bragg–Brentano geometry, CuKα radiation, Ni-filter, LYNXEYE XE-T linear detector, 5–65° 2θ range, 0.03° 2θ step, 5 s per step). Indexing the diffraction patterns was carried out using the data for the compounds reported in the PDF-22022 database (Powder Diffraction Files (PDF), International Centre for Diffraction Data, USA).

The electrical measurements of VO2 nanostructures in the temperature range from 20 to 100 °C were carried out by the standard two-contact measurement method using an Agilent B1500 analyzer. Two ohmic contacts were formed using pressed tungsten needles. During the measurements, the temperature T was changed at the rate of 1 °C per 30 seconds in the forward and reverse directions.


To investigate the area-selective synthesis processes, VO2 was synthesized on all three types of substrates simultaneously in a single process. The synthesis temperature T (from 450 to 530 °C) and the carrier gas fraction n (from 0.23 to 1) were varied. In each case, the average thicknesses of VO2 films on Al and SiO2 were compared to determine the growth rate on each surface as a function of synthesis conditions.

Dependence of VO2 film thickness on synthesis conditions

The film thicknesses were measured at 16 points across the sample, and the minimum, maximum, and average thicknesses (or effective thickness if the film is not continuous) are indicated in the plots. The dependence of film thickness on temperature and carrier gas fraction n is shown in Fig. 2. At the synthesis temperature of 450 °C, a monotonic film thickness growth with the increasing precursor concentration in the gas mixture is observed for both surface types. Such dependence is typical of the transport limited growth mode.30 In this case, the growth rate on the surface of silicon and aluminium is the same (Fig. 2a). When increasing the synthesis temperature up to 530 °C, the VO2 film growth rate decreases for both substrate types. Moreover, on the silicon oxide surface, the growth rate deceleration is more noticeable than on the aluminium surface. The decrease in the growth rate with the increasing synthesis temperature can be explained by the precursor decomposition on the reactor walls. However, the differences in the film growth on different substrates with increasing temperature are clearly due to differences in the rates of surface reactions for each substrate.
image file: d4ce00315b-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Dependence of film thickness on the precursor concentration on SiO2 and Al substrates. a) Synthesis temperature = 450 °C and b) synthesis temperature = 530 °C. Vertical error bars on the graphs show the scattering of the minimum and maximum thicknesses within the measurement area of the substrates; horizontal error bars are not shown because their size (0.1% of the value) does not exceed the size of a point; square points show the average thickness value.

It is important to note that at the synthesis temperature of 530 °C, the VO2 film on the silicon oxide surface was not uniform in thickness: with a solid film in the centre and individual crystals at the substrate edges. To quantitatively compare the VO2 film thicknesses for different substrate regions, in the case of non-continuous films, we introduce the parameter effective thickness d*:

d* = 〈Vncr, (2)
where 〈V〉 is the average crystallite volume and ncr is the concentration of crystallites per unit area. The average crystallite volume was estimated from the AFM measurements using the Gwyddion software.31 The influence of tip effects in our case leads to an increase in the average crystallite volume of about 15%, which is insignificant. The EDS effective layer thickness measurements are in agreement with the AFM average crystallite volume measurements, taking into account the correction for tip effects.

The effective thickness of the VO2 film synthesized at 530 °C on the silicon oxide surface was 3–5 times lower than the thickness of the VO2 film on the aluminium surface under the same synthesis conditions.

In order to analyse in detail the thickness distribution of the VO2 film on SiO2 and Al surfaces, EDS measurements were carried out and film thickness profiles were plotted on the first and second types of substrates. Fig. 3a shows the thickness distribution of the vanadium dioxide film grown on the aluminium surface. Points A and B mark the locations with the maximum and minimum thickness. Fig. 3c and d show the AFM images of the film at points A and B. The thickness distribution of the vanadium dioxide film grown on the silicon oxide surface is shown in Fig. 3b. Points C and D mark the locations of maximum and minimum thickness. The AFM images of the film at points C and D are shown in Fig. 3e and f. It can be seen that on the aluminium surface, the film fills the entire surface of the sample and is relatively uniform in thickness, whereas on the silicon oxide surface there is an area of continuous film with a large thickness variation in the centre of the sample and the rest of the sample area has only scattered crystals. The SEM images of continuous films on the surface of aluminium at point A (Fig. S5) and silicon oxide at point D (Fig. S6) are shown in the ESI. As can be seen in Fig. 3c and d, the average in-plane diameter of the grain of the film on the aluminium substrate is 300 nm. On the silicon dioxide substrate, the average in-plane diameter of the grain in the solid film region is also about 300 nm, but in the growth region of the single crystallites, the in-plane diameter is significantly larger, being 700–1000 nm.

image file: d4ce00315b-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Thickness distributions and morphology of the VO2 film on the surface of (a) aluminum and (b) silicon dioxide. Synthesis duration = 30 minutes; temperature = 490 °C; carrier gas fraction n is equal to 1. Points A and B in (a) correspond to the maximum and minimum film thickness on the silicon oxide surface; points C and D in (b) correspond to the maximum and minimum film thickness on the aluminium surface. The contour marks the region in which the film is solid; outside the contour, there is growth of single crystallites. (c–f) AFM images of the VO2 film surface near points A–D, respectively. The scale of the images is the same; the scale bar is 1 μm.

Dependence of VO2 film thickness on the synthesis time

To study the growth process kinetics, a series of syntheses lasting from 5 to 60 minutes were carried out at a temperature of 490 °C and a carrier gas fraction of n = 1 on the substrates of the first and second types. The dependence of the average film thickness on the synthesis time is shown in Fig. 4. The VO2 film synthesis on the SiO2 surface was first considered. After 5 minutes of the synthesis, the growth on the SiO2 surface was almost absent and the density of crystallites was less than 1 mm−2. After 10 minutes of the synthesis, free-standing crystals formed on the substrate. At a synthesis time of 30 minutes, there is an area of a continuous film 100 nm thick in the centre of the sample and single crystals at the substrate periphery. At a synthesis time of 60 minutes, a continuous ∼150 nm thick film is formed over the entire substrate surface. Thus, as the synthesis time increases, the crystallite concentration increases, and the area filled with a continuous film appears, and at a synthesis time of 60 minutes, the entire substrate is covered with a homogeneous film.
image file: d4ce00315b-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Effective thickness of VO2 films as a function of synthesis time on the a) silicon oxide surface and b) aluminium surface.

On the surface of aluminium, unlike on silicon dioxide, a continuous vanadium dioxide film with a uniform thickness of 30 nm was formed already at the synthesis duration of 5 minutes. With the increasing synthesis time, the film thickness increased, but, in all cases, the film was continuous and the thickness variation did not exceed 15 nm.

The average growth rate at the synthesis time of 60 min was 2.5 nm min−1 on both aluminium and silicon oxide substrates. However, on the aluminium surface, the growth was uniform over the entire substrate surface and the rate did not change significantly during the synthesis; growth on the silicon oxide surface showed significant spatial non-uniformity. Evolution of the film morphology with the increasing synthesis time is shown in Fig. S7 in the ESI.

Area-selective synthesis of VO2

To determine the effect of area-selective synthesis of the structures on patterned Al/SiO2 substrates of the third type, nine different synthesis parameters, i.e. temperature and carrier gas fraction, were investigated. The diagram of the selectivity effect as a function of synthesis conditions is shown in Fig. 5a. The synthesis conditions, under which partial and full growth selectivities are exhibited, are shown. Partial selectivity refers to the growth of individual crystals on the silicon dioxide surface, while full selectivity refers to the complete absence of growth on the silicon dioxide surface. Under certain conditions, there is no growth selectivity, i.e., both on the aluminium surface and on the silicon dioxide surface, a continuous film of equal thickness is formed. However, even in this case, there is a region around the aluminium sites with a width of about 0.5 μm in which no growth occurs. SEM images of these typical growth patterns are shown in Fig. 5b.
image file: d4ce00315b-f5.tif
Fig. 5 a) Diagram of the synthesis conditions under which the selectivity of growth on the aluminium surface is observed. b) Aluminium pad boundary after the synthesis under different conditions.

At the synthesis temperature of 450 °C and the carrier gas fraction n from 0.23 to 1, the uniform growth of the vanadium dioxide film is observed both on the aluminium surface and on the SiO2 surface. When the synthesis temperature increases and/or the carrier gas fraction decreases, a decrease in the thickness of the vanadium dioxide film on the silicon dioxide surface is first observed, followed by a complete cessation of the nucleation process. At the same time, a continuous vanadium dioxide film is present on the aluminium surface in all cases.

Determination of the phase composition for the grown films

V–O compounds are known for their complex phase diagram and polymorphism of phases within the same stoichiometry.32 The XRD study of the obtained films showed the same phase composition of the film on the surface of aluminium and silicon oxide (under synthesis conditions that result in a continuous film growth on SiO2) consisting mainly of the VO2 M1-phase (Fig. 6).
image file: d4ce00315b-f6.tif
Fig. 6 Typical X-ray diffraction data of the films obtained under the same synthesis conditions (T = 490 °C, n = 0.5, t = 60 min) on the surface of aluminium and silicon oxide.

Electric measurements of VO2 films

Prior to the VO2 synthesis, no additional measures were taken to remove the natural oxide layer from the aluminium surface and since the gas mixture contains oxygen, the native oxide layer is formed on the aluminium surface during the growth process. This fact allowed us to measure the resistances of the VO2 films synthesised on Al in the lateral geometry. The resistance of the ∼100 nm thick VO2 film on the surface of aluminium, measured by the two-contact method, is about 105 Ω at room temperature. Given that the surface resistance of the 70 nm aluminium layer is less than 1 Ω, it can be concluded that the current flows along the film and not through the aluminium layer. At the same time, when the distance between the contacts is changed, the measured resistance increases, thus indicating that the current flows along the film and not through the substrate. Dependence of the measured resistance on the distance between the probes is presented in the ESI (Fig. S8). We suggest that the native oxide on the aluminium surface is not only not destroyed in the process of film synthesis, but also retains its dielectric properties, thereby insulating the vanadium dioxide film from the substrate at applied voltages less than 0.5 V. A voltage of less than 0.5 V was employed to prevent Joule heating.

Temperature resistance measurements were made for all VO2 films synthesised under different conditions on aluminium and silica surfaces. In the case of SiO2, measurements were made only for those samples where the synthesis resulted in the formation of a continuous film. Fig. 7 shows the results of the resistance temperature dependence measurements for the VO2 films synthesised on Al and SiO2 substrates. The resistance of the VO2 film on Al is higher due to the comparable surface roughness of the initial Al surface (approximately 23 nm) to the VO2 film thickness, in contrast to the SiO2 surface roughness of approximately 1 nm. Consequently, the effective thickness of the VO2 film on Al is reduced, resulting in a higher resistance. An AFM image of the Al/SiO2 interface is shown in the ESI (Fig. S9). The summarized results of the resistance temperature measurements of VO2 films synthesised under different growth conditions on Al and SiO2 surfaces are presented in Table 2.

image file: d4ce00315b-f7.tif
Fig. 7 Temperature dependences of surface resistance for the films grown on the surface of (a) silicon dioxide and (b) aluminium. Synthesis conditions and VO2 film thicknesses are given at the lower left side of the figures.
Table 2 Ratios of resistance at 20 °C and 100 °C (R(T=20)/R(T=100)) for VO2 films grown under different conditions
  SiO2 substrate Al substrate
Carrier gas fractions Carrier gas fractions
Synthesis temperature, T °C 0.23 0.5 1.0 0.23 0.5 1.0
530 1600 150 290 1300
490 2500 2500 1500 1300 1450
450 10 15 15 9 8 10

Table 2 shows the resistivity ratios at room temperature (20 °C) and at 100 °C. The measurements show that all samples synthesised at 490 °C or higher, regardless of the precursor concentration and substrate material, show a sharp resistance jump at 68 °C, which is characteristic of the phase transition in vanadium dioxide. On the aluminium surface, the resistance jump is generally smaller than on the silicon oxide surface. This may be due to the grain structure of the substrate (Al) itself. On thin films less than 100 nm thick on the aluminium surface, a change in the resistance at 68 °C is observed, but the magnitude of such a change is small because the vanadium dioxide film thickness is comparable to the roughness of the original substrate. Thus, by varying the precursor concentration at a given temperature, it is possible to selectively grow films with good electrical characteristics.


In this work, significant differences in the nature of vanadium dioxide film growth on the surface of silicon oxide and aluminium were found. These differences are expressed in the growth rate at temperatures above 490 °C, growth uniformity and the phenomenon of selectivity. We attribute these differences to the different rates of precursor desorption from these surfaces. With the increasing synthesis temperature, a decrease in the growth rate and then a complete cessation of the growth on the silicon oxide surface is observed. In ref. 33, an increase in the growth rate of VO2 was observed with the increasing temperature up to 400 °C, after which an increase in temperature led to a decrease in the growth rate due to an increase in the precursor desorption rate. The difference in the film growth rates on the surface of aluminium and silicon oxide at high temperatures may also be due to the fact that the desorption from the silicon oxide surface is more active than that from the surface of aluminium. The difference in the desorption rate can be explained by the exchange of ligands between VO(acac)2 and aluminium; the possibility of such a reaction was demonstrated in ref. 34. In this case, the resulting molecule would have a lower volatility, which would lead to a decrease in the desorption rate. A schematic illustration of the interaction between the precursor and the patterned Al/SiO2 substrate is shown in Fig. 8.
image file: d4ce00315b-f8.tif
Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the nucleation and growth of VO2 on a patterned Al/SiO2 substrate.

At a synthesis temperature about of 500 °C and synthesis duration of 30 min or less, a difference in the uniformity of the vanadium dioxide film on the surface of silicon oxide and aluminium is observed: on the SiO2 surface, film formation starts with individual crystals and on the aluminium surface, it starts with a continuous film. This behaviour can be explained by different changes in the surface free energy (surface free energy ΔFS) during the vanadium dioxide film growth on the surface of aluminium and on the surface of silicon oxide. For example, in ref. 35 the effect of surface spreading of vanadium pentoxide on the aluminium oxide surface and the absence of such an effect on the surface of silicon oxide were observed, which is explained by different ΔFS. In the case of ΔFS < 0, the film will be deposited in such a way as to maximize the film–substrate contact area, and the growth will start with the formation of a continuous film, which is observed for the growth on aluminium. In the case of ΔFS > 0, the new material will be formed in such a way as to minimize the film–substrate contact area, and the growth follows an island mode.

At the silicon oxide surface, it appears that a minimum critical precursor concentration is required for the nucleation process. As the surface concentration decreases due to an increase in temperature and/or a decrease in pressure, the nucleation centre density decreases and single crystals are formed instead of a continuous film. Although the concentration of admolecules is insufficient to nucleate new crystallites, they can participate in the re-growth of existing crystallites. This explains the larger size of free-standing crystallites, compared to a solid film. In the presence of admolecule trapping centres, which can be aluminium sites or an existing vanadium dioxide film, the growth does not start at all, thus resulting in the phenomenon of selectivity.

For a qualitative description of the selectivity process, the case of the lateral aluminium–silicon oxide interface was considered. It is assumed that all precursor molecules striking the aluminium surface immediately participate in the reaction. Precursor molecules striking the silicon oxide surface can diffuse over the surface until they desorb or become trapped. In this case, there will be surface diffusion of admolecules in the direction from SiO2 to Al, but there will be no diffusion in the opposite direction because Al captures all the admolecules coming to it. Then, the film formation on the SiO2 surface will occur only at some distance rng from the interface with Al, where the admolecule concentration exceeds the critical concentration.

Let us evaluate the influence of synthesis parameters on the size of the no-growth region around the Al sites qualitatively. Assuming that the admolecules diffusion across the surface follows the Fick law, the distribution of the admolecule concentration around the Al sites will be as follows:

image file: d4ce00315b-t2.tif(3)
where N is the admolecule concentration on the substrate surface, N0 is the equilibrium concentration of admolecules and D is the surface diffusion coefficient.36

Equating the left part of the equation to the critical nucleation concentration Nc, at which the film growth starts, it is possible to estimate the distance rng from the Al interface of the site, from which the stable film growth on the SiO2 surface starts, as follows:

image file: d4ce00315b-t3.tif(4)

In the range of x < rng, no growth will occur because the admolecule concentration will be insufficient for the nucleation process (Fig. 9).

image file: d4ce00315b-f9.tif
Fig. 9 Stationary concentration distribution of admolecules at the aluminum–silicon oxide interface at x = 0.

These estimates are in qualitative agreement with the experiment. In the bottom picture of Fig. 5b, a region of about 0.5 μm width is observed around the aluminium pad, where no growth is observed. As the carrier gas fraction decreases, the partial pressure of the precursor decreases and, consequently, the radius of the no-growth region increases. The distance between the aluminium sites on our samples was up to 1 mm; so, in the case of full growth selectivity, we can say that the radius of the no-growth region was more than 500 μm. This effect also explains the character of the film thickness distribution on the silicon oxide surface: the sample boundaries contain many defects that act as precursor capture centres so that as we approach the sample edge, the film thickness decreases to almost zero, but the growth of vanadium dioxide does occur on the side faces of the substrate. In particular, it follows eqn (1) in which the radius of the no-growth region increases with the increasing temperature and decreasing precursor partial pressure which, in turn, depends on the carrier gas fraction (ESI eqn (S8)). This is the dependence of the growth selectivity on the synthesis parameters observed in our experiments, as can be seen in Fig. 5a.

Despite the different natures of nucleation on the surface of aluminium and silicon oxide, the vanadium dioxide film properties and phase composition depend only on the synthesis conditions. For example, the phase transition of VO2 films is observed on both aluminium and silicon surfaces. The XRD studies of the films also show a similar phase composition. Thus, by controlling the synthesis parameters such as temperature and precursor concentration, it is possible to perform the area-selective synthesis of high-quality VO2 structures.


The general approach for the area-selective synthesis of vanadium dioxide on patterned Al/SiO2 substrates using the CVD method was formulated. The nucleation and growth kinetics of VO2 films on Al and SiO2 surfaces are qualitatively investigated as a function of time, synthesis temperature and precursor concentration in the reaction zone. It was shown that by varying the precursor concentration, the nucleation kinetics of VO2 crystals on the SiO2 surface can be effectively controlled. Three VO2 growth modes have been demonstrated on patterned Al/SiO2 substrates depending on the synthesis conditions: the absence of area-selectivity, where a continuous film grows over the entire substrate surface; full area-selectivity, where the film grows only on the Al pads; and an intermediate state, where the nucleation is absent on SiO2 only near the Al pads. The resistance ratio before and after the phase transition in the VO2 films synthesized on SiO2 and Al surfaces is significantly dependent on the synthesis temperature, but, practically, independent of the precursor concentration in the gas phase. The best structures exhibit a resistance ratio more than 103 times. The obtained results provide an important step towards the controlled selective growth, which is essential for the development of high-performance nanophotonic and nanoelectronic devices based on VO2 grown on a Si platform.

Data availability

The data supporting this article have been included as part of the ESI.

Author contributions

Bagochus E.: writing – original draft, formal analysis, and investigation. Mutilin S.: writing – review & editing and conceptualization. Yakovkina L.: methodology and data curation. Kichay V.: investigation and resources.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest to declare.


This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 21-19-00873) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.


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